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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Thursday, August 24, 2006
My Test @ 8/24/2006 12:00:00 PM

My Test yesterday should say it ranged between Easy to Hardest. Hmm.... I reach my sch at ard 6.45pm to do a quick revision. Guess wat!!! My Lecturer was alreadi there.... So i request for early test. Kekeke.... He flipping Thru his Study Files to take out the test ppr veri funni cos he is Going different set of ppr to see which one to let me do. Whahaha..... Den strike a bargain wiz him 1st ppr Close book test while second one is Open Book test. Hmm.... Should say the 1st ppr is much more easier den the second one cos the lecturer purposely give so hard qns for the second test ppr.... Lol..... :p I wrote until my hand pain and numb. cos it like rushing for time to do the test ppr. He onli give me 1 hrs plus to complete my seconf test ppr. so bad rite? But it okie cos i noe actually where to flip. But the best part is how i had to phrase my ans on the ppr is veri difficult cos i cant direct lifting frm the ans. Hmm.... Lecturer veri bad everytime start of the ppr keep toking to me. Wan to make me lose focus so bad.... : ( But luckily i m smart engh, as i wrote my ans i tok to him... lol.... my mind still focus on the ans. Get a few times, he tok suddenly to me, i got a shocked. Thus my handwriting went haywired. Lol..... Den he shocked also cos he saw my pale face. Ani way, managed to complete my test ppr on the dot of 9.35pm. Hmm.... should say my hand r so tiring and pain cos hold too long and nv stop writing for that one hour plus plus. Kekeke.... Ani way i m much more relaxed nw cos i on holiday for 2 weeks b4 i went back to study. Lol.... 3 Cheers For me!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever