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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


wedding tickers


a wedding website


A Misunderstanding Clear At Last A veri confusing and Frustrating Day A Romantic Nite Wiz My Dear Part 2 A Romantic Nite Wiz My Dear An Outing At East Coast Park On 9th August 2006 Presents for My Dear Zuo Xin Wanna Thanks Sum Ppl in my Lifes So Sad More pics My Tiring Days At West Coat Student Service Centre

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Dearie Wendy

Chris Jie Fu

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Special E-Kin

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Cheeky Freddy

Xue Jie Rebec

Pretty Jing Yi

Mature PerfectWound

Chipy Christine

Friendly Stella

Adorable 老查某

Artist Mark Lee

Past Memories

May 2006
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Love Count

Saturday, August 19, 2006
A Boring Day @ 8/19/2006 10:48:00 PM

Hmm... so sianz... gt headache cant revise can study well... decided to wake up early tml to study... Call dear frm office tis morning to fix a timing wiz him next friday to meet him... Tis week nv meet him like so sianz... Hmm=...... he veri bad keep making fun of me.. until i so speechless.... neverless... we miz each other.... lol.... i kind of make him jealous when i mention i might be going out wiz my ex on next Wed... Guess wat???? He Forbid me to go... Hmm.. shld i be glad that he is Jealous or not??? Blur..... Den asked him hw he find our r/s so far.... all he ans is Orh, like that loh.... Ok...... Argh..... so bad.... y everytime asked him tings, always ans me so short ans.... Give me appropriate ans veri difficult ma? Haiz.... so sianz nw... nth to do..... :p

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