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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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A Boring Day A Misunderstanding Clear At Last A veri confusing and Frustrating Day A Romantic Nite Wiz My Dear Part 2 A Romantic Nite Wiz My Dear An Outing At East Coast Park On 9th August 2006 Presents for My Dear Zuo Xin Wanna Thanks Sum Ppl in my Lifes So Sad More pics

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Sunday, August 20, 2006
My Thoughts of My Lifes @ 8/20/2006 03:04:00 PM

I never realised that the art of loving sumone is meant to be ----> as long as he is happy, nth else matter. ( My Own Tinking)

He taught me how to be sensible and matured. If not for him, I would not be who i am now....He is the one who gave me happiness and the strength to love again.

I've always ask myself:"Why am I so in love with Zuo Xin?"But I'll never be able to find out the reason.. Maybe loving someone truthfully need not have a reason.

Hmm.... Loving sumone is always like that, Smile in the beginning, complaining in the middle stage and so on...... :p

Hmm.... Today is our One mth Anniversary...... Glad that he remember it. If not i will be super sad.... :p

I dunoe if i m a gd gf to him cos he never complain to me that i nv do this and that. Hmm.... But he is a gd bf to me cos when i wan to tok to him, he will squeeze out the time for me. Lol.... But it seemed i m always 'greedy' to ask for more. Lol..... Is it wrong of me to do that? ( Tinking abt it)

Well..... my life gt UPs and DOWNs but it matter to me who r there for me. i gt a group of Best Frenz such as Devan, Ling Horng& Roulan to stand behind me to encourage me and pull me along when i m abt to give up half way of my walk of journey. Of course not to forget my cg leader, Bro James, Who is always there for me to edify me and advise me.

Hmm..... wat can i asked for when i have such Loving bf & Wonderful frenz ard me??? Well.... Seriously i cant ask for more. I Thank God for placing all these ppl ard me to let me know i m actually the fortuante one of all.

kekeke... Got to get on wiz my studies... will be back to blog more... :p

" Loving Someone truthfully Doesn't Need A Reason "

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever