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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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A veri confusing and Frustrating Day A Romantic Nite Wiz My Dear Part 2 A Romantic Nite Wiz My Dear An Outing At East Coast Park On 9th August 2006 Presents for My Dear Zuo Xin Wanna Thanks Sum Ppl in my Lifes So Sad More pics My Tiring Days At West Coat Student Service Centre A Blur Day And Irritating Day For Me

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Thursday, August 17, 2006
A Misunderstanding Clear At Last @ 8/17/2006 09:48:00 PM

Hmm.... Feel so down on mon and tue..... so decided to ask my bf on tue nite b4 i go for my nite class.... Sms him thru my hp to ask him m i tinking too much in tis r/s? Asking him y he decrease his sms to me..... Phew! Luckily he replied me that it all a misunderstanding..... He felt so stress up for his work and moods not good these few days. But he assure me that he miz me amidst his heavy workload and his feeling for me still remained the same. I felt so guilty that i nv try to understand his feeling. Well..... everytings turn out fine..... Hmm.... it will be another week passed and i cant meet my Dear cos i having exam on next coming Mon..... Argh.... BOE is tough cos i hate to memorise theory notes. Hmm.... Reali gt to buck in order to obtain Distinction in my Exam Module.

I promised my Dear to work hard for my paper so i wun disappointed him and of course my lecturer, Mr Philip Ng for pinning high hopes on me. Will i make it? I know i can. Cos " Wat u tink is wat u will achieve"

Hmm... these few days recieved encouraging sms frm my beloved Dear, Zuo Xin. Hmm..... I learnt sumting frm these time round, i gt to be like a little child to ask, to clarify tings which i dun understand. It onli thru clarification that you will get yr ans and u will fuss over it or troubled over it no matter wat happen. :p

Thanks Dear for your kind understanding and making me feeling happy in tis r/s wiz u.... We shall work hand in hand to make tis r/s worked out. :)

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever