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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Saturday, September 02, 2006
A Day out wiz Kor @ 9/02/2006 11:24:00 PM

Lol... After a Morning Function at HQ, i went to meet kor at Bugis den we took a train down to
Dobby Guat to catch a movie. Before we watched, we went shopping ard at PS for a Present for my Dear. His B'day is on 3rd Sep. Lol... Been trying to find tis shop "Couple Lab" lol... Finally found it.... Lol.... I look thru the Items B4 settled down on one Key Chain on wat to engrave for him. Bcos i wan to make someting memoerable for him to remember. Lol... Finally after some advices frm the shopkeeper..... I finally decided to engrave " Hang Sin Love Zuo Xin " Lol... Phew! Finally Settled one issue liao.

Next we went on to decide wat to watch for movie. After much struggle and confusion, we decided to watch " Monster House " It a 1 hour and 40 mins show.

Who's in It: The voices of Steve Buscemi, Nick Cannon, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jon Heder, Kevin James, Jason Lee, Catherine O'Hara, Kathleen Turner, Fred Willard

The Basics: The creepy old house in the neighborhood really is haunted and likes to devour anyone who crosses its path. It also sucks stuff into the ground, has a face and isn't shy about making life pretty miserable for a trio of Harry Potter-ish kids.

What's the Deal? Motion-capture animated films are my favorite thing. I mean, did you see The Polar Express? Well, the good news is that 2006 is the future, and the technology is much better. It doesn't try for the way humans really look (which always just winds up creepy) and goes for a more cartoony, stylized approach. And it's fun. Loud and frantic, but fun.

Lol.... b4 we go in, we went to Gelaire to Eat.... While eating, find it veri sianz so took quite alot of pic....

Well.... it seemed like i cant load ani more pic .... Will be back in next blog to load more pic....

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever