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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Saturday, October 28, 2006
A Wonderful Niteout Wiz Dear @ 10/28/2006 01:14:00 PM

Hmm.... Continue frm my Previous Post , after work i din went home straight. i went out to meet my Dear for a dinner Session.

Reached at Clark Quay Mrt Station at ard 6 plus. So called him up to tel him iarrived liao. Waited for him to arrived until my legs wan to go weak liao.... Cos wearing heels that day.

Anyway, he reached ard 7.10pm. Wow! a 10 mins walk frm his office to Mrt Station. Hmm... Thoughtful of him to get a packet of Lemon Barley Drink for me b4 he came to meet me. So sweet of him rite? When he saw me, he passed me the packet of drink. While i m drinking, he offered to help me took my carrier bag for me. Well... Although the bag was heavy but he din even complaint once. Hmm.... So caring and Loving rite? Gt envy us anot? kekeke.. :p

Well.... As we walked we discuss and decided on where to go. It a bit troublesome cos i dun like to eat Fast food often and beside that i dun reali like to drink fish soup(which he liked to force me to drink). Well... so we jus walked along the road to catch hold of any restaurant to go in to eat.

Well... Jus as we crossed the road, We saw Han Restaurant so i suggested to him to go in there to eat as we cld also rest for a while. Well... We went in and was surprised by the slow flow of crowd in there. It a quiet place. We chose the sofa seat to sit and eat.

We went to order our food together. So conincidence, we actually tink of the same food to order. But since i order Roast Chicken Set Meal, so he decided to swap to Grilled Fish Set Meal. So that ltr, we can share wiz each other our food. After ordering, we went back to our seat and waited for the waiter to serve us our food. Meanwhile, i passed him the Bintan tickets and package detail wan him to double confirm his particulars and etc in case any mistake i can take it back to agency to do changes.

Well... the svc is fast cos as i took out my Stuffs, the food arrived. shortly after his meal also arrived. So we talked as we ate.. well... make fun of him by taking photos of him. So funni....

Here is him checking the detail of the tour. So serious hor?

So stupid of Blogger... upload pic cant display.. well... shall blog in the pic at next post i posted.

Anyway, we finshed our meal and went to walk ard the Clark Quay B4 Heading home separately.... it indeed a nice and enjoyable Nite Wiz Him.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever