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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


wedding tickers


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Fun Outing @ Mind Cafe HAPPY DEEPAVALI A Hazey Day At My Place Oh My God! Coming Close Busy to be in the Coming Month Fun Dancing Starting of my Biz Class (Second Module) Cooking Lunch For my Dad Celebration Daphne's Birthday

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Friendly Stella

Adorable 老查某

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Past Memories

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Love Count

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Outing Part 2 @ 10/22/2006 02:56:00 PM

1st took a pic of myself in the cafe... my usual habit sia. :p

At 1st, i planned to have Mocha Ice blended wiz whipped cream but ltr when i saw their new drink, i immediatlely ordered the Hazelnut ice blended drinks wiz lot of whipped cream on top of it. Lol.... Strange gal m I??? :P

We settled on our drinks and immediatley, Jason Kor helped us to buy the drink wiz his coffee bean card. Lol... :P

Notice the cups the whipped cream are all filled to the brim... lol...

Look at mine and i tink u r going to faint rite? Hahaha.... Extra extra whipped cream for mine filled to the brim of the cup. :P

Hmm.... as i m scared of cold, i took out my shawl to cover myself frm the cold but i tink it din help so we ended up shifting to another table.

But still i m cold, so we suggested finished up the drink fast and den accompany kor to Funan Centre.

While on my way there, i took some pics.

This pic is jus one out of the few i took wiz one of my leg raised behind my back. lol... (Notice behind the colourful building is where my Dear worked in.) :P

After that we reached the Funan Centre and Paul Kor get his new digital camera, the Olympus FE190 at a cheap price.

After that, we went to the Bus Stop at the Mica Building to board the bus & went our seperate ways home.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever