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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Love Count

Monday, October 23, 2006
Loving Each Other @ 10/23/2006 10:12:00 AM

Was talking to my Dear yesterday at ard 11 plus coming close to 12am den we hang up phone.Was kind of feeling bad cos i noe he is tired but still he give in to me to accompany me to tok.

Tell you whenever i heard his voice, i m so happy and energetic.... Dunoe y? ( cld be bcos i miz him ba. ) :p

3rd Months into our relationship is not a big deal to others people but to me it meant alot cos my Dear and I put in alot of effort in tis relationship trying to work tings out. So nw i m anot afraid to say our r/s is as steady as the rock.

I still remember the way back when we r 2 weeks into tis r/s, i gt so troubled by my ex that i suggested break up to him. But he stood rite by me to keep me going for our r/s. Den another time came also the same ting, i was so discouraged and even tink of giving up tis r/s even w/o trying. Still, he was wiz me to go thru everyting w/o any complaints.

Where to find a guy like him???

Serioulsy speaking, he is a rare gems out of so many precious stones which i will treasure wiz care.

He was the special sumone in my heart that i will remembered him forever cos of the sweet and silly tings he done. I Could nv say hw much grateful i m to him for bringing me hopes and miracles when i needed it the most at my darkest hours.

Wanna give my Dear the above LOVE TICKET as an appreciation for showering me love and concerns as always as he wld. :P

Dear, Thanks for being in my Life.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever