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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Saturday, October 28, 2006
Out Wiz Paul Kor on Wed 25th Oct 2006 @ 10/28/2006 07:43:00 AM

As u can see from the above pic, it rain on that day while i m on my way to meet Paul Kor to book my tickets for my Bintan trip. Haiz... Not a good day to start off wiz..... Been so tired and got a bit of headache.. :(

Hmm.. as i arrive early den i expected.... i went ard keypoint centre to shop ard for stuffs.... Den i came across a Sport Wear Shop.... Went in to have a look and saw all the clothes in set actually quite cheap... So went on to buy a set of sport clothes as tis Sun i will be going to Sentosa to have my sport cum Cg Mtg. Not reali looking forward to it as 'S' will be going also according to the name list.

Back to the topic... I waited for kor patiently.... finally i saw his face emerging frm some side of the wall... lol... Wat m i tinking when i m blogging nw? kekeke.... well.... we went immediately to the Travel agent to book the tickets. Actually, the agency wan me to reserve but not yet confirm yet. But it seems like the period which I picked for the tour is not a peak period, and she was able to confirm all the booking nw. I must say I paid a reasonable price for the whole tour package.

After that, we actually wan go City Hall to try out the New York. But the Rainy sky did not cooperated wiz us and we gt no choice but to chose Swensens @ Funan Centre instead as I had some errands to run at Funan Centre.

The Soup of the day is Corn Soup... Not nice at all cos it had too much pepper in it.

My Main Course - Seafood Pasta Mania

Haiz... i tel u the svc was damned sucked loh.... So slow even though there onli a few customers in the restaurant. HAiz... Give them a thumb down for the svc. Food overall was ok but jus that the stupid Air con is damned Cold... No choice who asked me to be scared of cold. :( Anyway, i paid for the meal as a treat to kor.

Hmm.... after that, we went to the Mica Building to took a bus and headed home seperately.

P/s: Thank you kor for helping me out for my tour package. :P
Got chance sure treat u eat good food. :P

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever