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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Pleasant Outing wiz Paul Kor, Wendy Jie, Jason Kor and Rong Cheng Didi @ 10/14/2006 11:34:00 AM

" Wow! I worked from 7am to 6.30pm yesterday. Kekeke..... Straight 11 1/2 hrs. Hmm.... not my first time so used to it liao. Hmm.... But surprisely i dun feel the tiredness cos maybe i m excited abt the meeting at bugis Junction at 7pm. Lol..... Another reason could be I also chat wiz my dear on Msn almost most of the time on comp. He jus made my day perk up"

okok.... engh of my Dear liao.... For nw gt to put him aside while blogging tis.

Well.... i m kind of paiseh to reach there ard 7 plus. But Paul kor and Jason Kor were so kind engh to go book seat 1st. Haiz... topical road idoit. Hmm.... i miz my way while looking for V8 cafe. Lol.... :P Should be used to it liao most of the time.... :p

When i reach there, Wendy Jie and Rong Cheng Didi not there yet. That my 1st time meeting all of them tonite and it proved to be a successful meet up cos there laughters and talking to be heard all ard the tables. I think we attracted quite a few ppl looking at my table frm wat i observed. kekeke.... Envy rite?

The food yesterday was so nice and affordable. But also thanks to Paul Kor for his treat for us. Thanks PAUL KOR!!! :P Luckily i recommended the rite place to be in at that time. I sould say the service of the cafe also quite good although occassionally they miz out this and that for our table but i guess it could be due to they r too busy to overlook. They r forgiven for that cos they reali have cute waiters and waitress. Kekeke.... we gt one veri cute 18 yrs old waiter calling us " handsome guys and pretty ladies" make us all laugh our head off. Neverthless, we are smiling happily wiz that comments. We sure can eat and drink frm 7 plus in the evening to abt 10pm at nite. Lol.... :p

After that, we walked over to SHAW HOUSE to the Starbuck to have a drink.

There is this incident that Jason kor could not understand what Rong Cheng wanted to order. Jason told him "你跟我一起去,Uncle 不懂你要喝什么?”Kekekeke.... we all reali laugh our head off for that sentence. lol... :p Hmm.... gt generation gap here ma? :p We reali got alot of fun toks and giggling session going on. lol.... :p

After the drinks, we went home seperately.

I should reali give thanks to those who r present for yesterday gathering. Cos if w/o u all, the mtg wun be successful. Lol... :p

Thanks Paul Kor for the sumptuous meal.

Thanks jason Kor for the enjoyable talks.

Thanks Wendy Jie for Meeting up wiz me.

Thanks Rong Cheng for coming.

Let us hope forward to the next outing on 21st October 06.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever