Hmm.. jus have a quick talks to him.
So sweet... he never blame me b4 for that cranky behaviour at all.
He summarised it up as i m too stressed. He want me to comcentrated on next mon exam.
What can i ask for more from him when he showed me that kind of understanding that not even my ex bfs could have shown me.
Thanks Dear. :p
Was suggesting that we go oversea for a short trip next mth to unwind ourself and bring ourself closer to each other after so much tings happened.
Can anyone suggest for a gateaways for 3 days 2 nites at where? How much to spend? Seriously i gt no clues at all. Blur gal m i???
I am looking forward to next mon when i can see him and passed him the presents and cards i done personally for him as a way of saying " I m sorri Dear!"
Kekeke..... Thanks Dear for all the wonderful times u given to me.
Pls take care and drink more water as HAze lately is veri serious. Don't wan to see you fall sick. :p
Tis advices also go out to my frenz out there. YOU BETTER TAKE GOOD CARE OF YRSELF.
Hmm.. snd so serious hor? lol.... lalallalallalalallalalla.... me so happi.... Finally the darks clouds are gone and sunlights are shining brightly as usual.