Hmm.... Should i be looking forward to tis trip next mth?
Lol.... Yup.... My Dear and me Going for a short trip of 3 days 2 nites get away frm the hetic lifes of Singapore. We decided on the just passed Monday when i was out wiz him.
Yup, we decided to go Bintan since we liked Beach alot.
Beside that, It also for me to rest and relax after so many tings happened between us within tis mth. All these matters reali pulled us tightly together. I appreciate all these tings Dear do for me.
We settled down on on the 5th,6th & 7th of Nov 06, we r going to our 'honeymoon' .
Lol.... envy us anot? I noe Dear always give in to me cos he wanted me to be happy.
Wanna say Dear thanks for going wiz me tis trip. Love u always and remember u always in my heart.
p/s: Got to thanks Paul Kor for helping me to collect information on the trip. Xin Ku u le.... Thanks alot.:p