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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Sincere Thoughts @ 10/03/2006 10:58:00 PM

Hmm... one week passed and during last week alot of tings happen.

1st - My Ex keep disturbing me.

2nd - My Dad got Food Posioning.

3rd - I m emotionally and Physcially Tired.

Hmm... over to say glad to know my last week passed. New hopes and New miracles comes.

Well... Tis Blog is actually to blog what i m thinking these few days. Hmm... sumtime i tink i gt to grateful to what i have now in life. I have a veri good parents and siblings. I have a veri good Bf given to me by GOD. I also got a bunch of frenz.... Reali want to thanks GOD for treating me so nice. When i got problem, everyone will crowd ard me to help me. Me feel so touched loh. Thanks For everyting Everyone! My Life becum more colourful bcos of all of u.

For Dear - Hmm... I m reali wan to tell you i m grateful for u entering into my life once more. Remember that Sun morning when i m in hospital and u sms me to ask me why i slp so late on sat? Hmm.... I tell u i cant slp. Actually i m crying.... Dun worri i m crying tears of happiness. I suddenly feel so bless and bliss to have you in my life wiz me.

These few weeks incidents make me realised that u nv once left me alone to handle any situtation. You are always by myside.... Although you nv be by myside in real person but the phonecalls and smses are more den engh to tell me that you care for me. Your hugs to me suddenly make me feel at ease when i m anxious and fed up wiz life. Your kisses on me washes the pain away in my life and light up my life instantly. I m grateful to God for placing you in my life. And i do hope our r/s will withstand any storm and weather.

Thanks DEAR! Thanks for entering into my life once Again. Let walked tis journey of life together till death do us apart. :)

For Frenz - Hmm... How can i thanks all of you engh??? You all r always there for me in my darkest of moments of life. Well... I m defintely glad that all of u r my frenz... Specially Thanks to the below people for coming in my life as a veri good and supporting frenz despite my faultness.
  1. Devan
  2. Ling Horng
  3. Sikin
  4. Paul Kor
  5. Wendy Jie
  6. Terence Kor
  7. Freddy Kor
  8. Bro James

Thanks frenz for standing by me all these while sincerly thanks to u all. Can onli repay u all by offering my true frenzship till we r old. THANKS!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever