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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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A Lonesome Nite Dear Surprise And Wonderful Gift To Me An Unforgetful Nite Out Wiz My Dear My Hardwork DIY Of Handicrafts A Quiet Afternoon Lunch Wiz Dad A Unrest and Teary Nite A Date To Eat Steamboat Wiz Dear Trip to Discovery Centre on 8th Septemeber 2006 Song That Has Meaning in it..... For My Beloved De... A Special Delicate to Wendy Dearie

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Friday, September 15, 2006
Some thoughts Running Through Lonely Nite @ 9/15/2006 11:51:00 PM

Hmm... Was reali in deep thoughts these few days.

Other den studying and working at the same time, i Gt alot of Qns that i really wan find out....

Was tinking how come human can be so weak?

Y do we cry as and when we like?

Y Love relationship is always not smooth for all couples?

M i in a hurry to get hitched bcos of my Ex?

M i rdy to be Dear's Fiance in 2 yrs time?

M i rdy to be Dear's Wife when i m 25 yrs old?

M i rdy to be a mother when i m 26yrs old?

Will i be a good wife, good mother?

Sumtime i wish i can return to when i m small when i gt no worries and no trouble abt relationship or working problems.

Hmm.... Sumtime i find that a child can dun tink so much, jus concentrated on getting sweets and food to eat and making sure that study always top the class can liao. So carefree lives which i reali hope to stay inthat period forever.

Neverthless, reality is always there is hit us hard into our mind that we r growing and we can't always stay in that age forever.

But thankfully, i always gt GOD and my Dear, Zuo Xin to count on whenever i gt problem. Both will help me to overcome problems in my life. I feel so bless to be able to love by GOD and my Dear.

I also have a bunch of frenz who reali care alot for me. Wana say a big thanks to all of u out there. W/o u all, my life will be dull and uninteresting. Thanks for colouring my world. :)

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever