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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Song That Has Meaning in it..... For My Beloved De... A Special Delicate to Wendy Dearie Wondering Thoughts Flowing A Love Poem To My Dear, Zuo Xin Lunch Function Wiz Dear Zuo Xin & Kai Xin @ Swisso... Lunch Function Wiz Dear Zuo Xin & Kai Xin @ Swissotel A Day out wiz Kor Part 2 A Day out wiz Kor A Restless Nite For me Our Edit Pic Look So Nice & Sweet

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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Trip to Discovery Centre on 8th Septemeber 2006 @ 9/09/2006 08:18:00 AM

It was a tiring day yesterday. Haiz... Suppose to go home at ard 6pm but bcos of one stupid incident i drag to almost 7pm den i can go home. I went to Singapore Discovery Centre (SDC)yesterday. Together wiz Csccians, we set off in a booked bus at ard 9 plus. Cos we r suppose to meet another centre at 10am.

SDC, here i come liao. Hmm..... After we arrived, we carry on wiz our 1st programme that was to board the SAFTI Bus Tour to see the SAFTI Military Institute. The bus brought us around the 88-hectare training ground for officers from the Army, Navy and Airforce. After that, we went for a guided tour in within SDC.

1St, we went to the 1st stop ' GateWay - Singapore's History ' It presented in a Mtv ways wiz Plasma Tv hanging on the wall. It has caption on ' Fire period' , 'Earth period' and lastly it the ' Air period'. After that, we went to the next stop.

'The So - Singapore Stop' lol..... we r projected to the way how we make S'pore so unique by our way of toking and they screened a short clip on how did So Singapore came from. It was so funni to watch the clip cos Singapore Melion Came alive and tok and rap a song to us on the big screen.

Next, we went to see this big 'globe' named the 'SPECTACLE'. It symbolised Singapore aspiration to go global yet stayed rooted to our cultures and Belief. You shld have go to see it for yrself for it was so Magnificient to see the different pattern appearing on the globe. See i m the dark figure infront of that globe taking photo. so nice rite?

Next we went to 'Build It' zone where we learned abt he limited space to build bulidings in Spore. We used blocked to create our own Buildings, where to place it to minimize the use of land. While the children the playing the Blocks. I went to play the 3 - 2- 1 Explore . It a mind game to see the differnt places of Spore. So challenging to do it within 1 min. After that, we go to the Canteen to eat our lunch.

After our heavy and relaxful meal..... We settled down to chit chat and gossip abt wat happening recently. So conincidence, i met my old primary school Mate mother. She recognise me at the 1st instant. Lol... so happi.... So after that, we go for our free time in the SDC until about 3pm b4 we set off back to CSCC.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever