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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Trip to Discovery Centre on 8th Septemeber 2006 Song That Has Meaning in it..... For My Beloved De... A Special Delicate to Wendy Dearie Wondering Thoughts Flowing A Love Poem To My Dear, Zuo Xin Lunch Function Wiz Dear Zuo Xin & Kai Xin @ Swisso... Lunch Function Wiz Dear Zuo Xin & Kai Xin @ Swissotel A Day out wiz Kor Part 2 A Day out wiz Kor A Restless Nite For me

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Saturday, September 09, 2006
A Date To Eat Steamboat Wiz Dear @ 9/09/2006 11:36:00 AM

A Few day ago, on the 6th September 2006, i got a veri pleasant surprise from my bf. Lol..... As usual i sent him my morning sms to greet him. Lol..... He smsed me back to greet me. Following that, he asked me if i liked to eat steamboat. :p Cos he will be bringing me to eat steamboat next Tue. (Cos My Parents OVERSEA , no one at home. He will be accompanying me for 4 weeks at nite starting frm next Tue) Imagine how happi i m to hear frm him. Cos it always me asking to date him out 1st. Now, tis time round is his 1st time asking to date me out. Lol...... Kekeke....

Being busy man and woman of our career and studies, we hardly meet up to go out together. If not, most of our time will be wiz frenz. It abit amazing on how we managed to keep pour r/s strong and lasting until now.

Den on yesterday, 8th September 2006, he dropped me a email to thank me for sending him him an E- Card on his birthday last Sunday. Of course, he thanked me also for tinking of him also. Kekeke.... That wat i m doing when i m free. :p Kekeke.... Of course he also said he got too many thanks to say to me liao. Beside that, he asked me not to forget our date next tue to go eat steamboat. \^__^/ So Joyful to see his email. :p

Being His gf i can only say, I can say my dear got his strong points andweak points. Hmm.... But isn't that when u r in a r/s , u will tend to overlook the weak points and look at the strong points of your the other half? ( My Own Tinking)

So excited, Looking forward to My Date wiz my Dear on next Tue. Hope it will be memorable for us to remember jus like the Swissotel Trip for High Tea. Lol.... Wanting to create memories for both Dear and Me to remember till we r old. :p

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever