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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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An Unforgetful Nite Out Wiz My Dear My Hardwork DIY Of Handicrafts A Quiet Afternoon Lunch Wiz Dad A Unrest and Teary Nite A Date To Eat Steamboat Wiz Dear Trip to Discovery Centre on 8th Septemeber 2006 Song That Has Meaning in it..... For My Beloved De... A Special Delicate to Wendy Dearie Wondering Thoughts Flowing A Love Poem To My Dear, Zuo Xin

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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Dear Surprise And Wonderful Gift To Me @ 9/14/2006 01:52:00 PM

WHee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So HAppi

Got a Surprise frm my Dear when he presented me wiz the mysterious Gift. Holding the gift in hand, i proceeded to ask him for what is in the box. Lol.... He replied me that it was sumting useful and handy for me. Lol.... Opening up the wrapper slowly cos din wan to spoiled the wrapper, i find myself staring at the box. Lol.... A Alarm clock in wooden frame. Hmm.... Open up the Box.... Took out the Alarm clock carefully. Lol... We read thru the Manual together. Sum how, after placing in the 2 AA size Batteries, the Alarm clock din have the number appearing.... Was wondering if my batteries were weak or wat. Soon we realised it actually the 2 A31G batteries( Watch Batteries) we forget to put, that was why the numbering nv appeared on the clock. After putting in the batteries into the rite position. My Dear started to adjust for me the alarm to it rite position. Kekeke.... So Sweet of him for him to do that. My Dear is always so thoughtful towards me. The Alarm Clock has many functions in it. Well... you can listen to FM Radio, know the temperature in yr room, got blue backlight , and many many more. Gee! I LIke the gift alot.

Now the Alarm clock proudly stand at my side table beside my bed. So i use it to wake me up every morning. Lol.... His main focus is to make me tink of him everytime i see the Alarm Clock. Well i could say he succeeded in doing that. Lol.... Well... Wat to do??? When u have a sweet Bf, you will always tink of the sweet sweet stuffs he done for u all these while. Lol.... Dear, Thank for the present, I Like it alot. :P

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever