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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Love Count

Friday, September 22, 2006
LOVE @ 9/22/2006 12:40:00 AM

Well.... Tis topic of Love seemed to strike me alot during our Cg Mtg on Thurday.

Have you ever show concern for one by showing him or her LOVE w/o asking for anyting in return?

Hmm..... Well... so often, we usually forget that of that one min we showered love on sum one , that person life might changed due to yr love on him?

It made me kind of recall that the working place gt this one kid, J.

J is always doing work slow and more often, drag the other children down bcos they had to wait for him to finish his work b4 they can played. As usual my style of discipline was strict and fierce. How often i realised i had screamed at him and shouted at him. COS HE DRAG DOWN MY PROGRESS ALSO IN DOING CHECKLIST w/o realising i m demolishing his moral values and self esteem.

Hmm.... I realised my mistake when my colleauge told me that J was happi when i was not ard in CSCC. I was sad initially but that din stopped me from moving on. I began to do self reflection on my method of discipline him. I prayed to God to help me thru this ordeal. GOD tel me in my heart " Elaine, try the praising method on him and it will solved the problem."

Well.... i told you it like a miracles to me. The next day, i put the prasing method to work. I put it to use for one week. Immediatly, things changed for a good cause. He did his work fast and neat. Most imptly, the more i praise him, the more smile i seen on his face. Praise the Lord! :)

Well..... it a sudden tot on me, Well..... when is the last time i seemed to praise student regardless big or small matter? It seemed so long ago.... I used to tell ppl that Cscc student is the best batch of students i ever have. But slowly my 1st passion slowly decreased as yrs go by as i find the job a rountie job abit boring. My passion of love for Kids is gone.

But thanks to GOD for showing me what LOVE can do in sumone life and what is LOVE again. I changed my tinking and began to thank God for a wonderful Family and a loving and caring Bf HE has given to me NOW in this life.

I remember there was this sentence " The poverty of the world today is not w/o food to eat, w/o a home but were loneliness, hungry for LOVE and aprreciations and praises from other ppl."

Set you on thinking now.....

  1. When is the last time u show your love( family, strangers or your loved ones) to sumone?
  2. when is the last time u praise sumone sincerley?
  3. When is the last time u did sumting for sumone w/o hoping for reward in return?

Well........... if you have the ans to above... it show yr LOVE Bank is full on passion again.

WEll.... if you din have the Answer.... look back and realised your 1st passion again and worked hard to show your love to sumone NOW. :)

Well.... i hoped you will enjoy reading my LOVE view. kekeke.... God Bless and GD Nite! :)

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever