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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Emotion of 2ND MONTH TOGETHER @ 9/21/2006 11:50:00 PM

It was our 2ND MONTHS ANNIVERSARY together yesterday.

Well.... it shld be a happi occasion that one ought to be happi.... But yesterday i m so moody and angry wiz my Dear.

Angry bcos he din reply my smses at all and din go online on MSN which will be our usual habit to communicate when we r working... The feeling was unbearable cos i m so worri for him cos i din noe wat went wrong. I know he usually had the habit of sms me to kick off my day. But yesterday, i waited one whole day BUT he nv sms.

So I started to any how tink. Try to bush it off by concentrating on my work but it onli make it worst as each min passed by. Hmm.... Scary thoughts started to flashed into my head..... Omg! The feeling was unbearable. Finally wait until i off work at7pm den i sms him one finally sms to enquire abt his whereabt.

I told you the emotion is so stale at that time. While on bus on my way home, i cldn't tinnk of anyting but " WHAT WENT WRONG WIZ DEAR? IS DEAR OK? HAS HE MEET WIZ ACCIDENT?" Hmm... Maybe for him, it worthless thought, but to me, My Dear, Zuo Xin played a impt part in my life. He is my everyting other den Jesus. Hmm..... :(

Finally, he replied me telling me he had actually left his hp at home.

When at nite, when i was on phone wiz him..... i told him hw angry i m, hw hurt i m, hw fearful i m, hw insecure i feel at that time when i couldnt contact him at all, how regret i m, what my intention for telling him and lastly i told him i felt this way is due to bcos i placed him veri impt in my heart as i love him alot.

At 1st, he denied saying he was okie. But i reminded him if i dun worri for him ,if he nv reply my sms or Cal for one whole day, it meant that he was no longer impt to me any more. The mins he heard abt what i say, he Immediately said : " HMM..... LIKE THAT YOU BETTER WORRI FOF ME MORE. KEKEKEKE...." The more i heard him Kekekeke... the more anger install in me. But sumhw... the anger turned into LOVE that i had for him. Telling myself it okie... no worries at least he try to let me know he wan me to place him in a special place in my Heart. :)

I told you, he felt so guilty and tried means and ways to cheer me up and made me laugh. Being a Easy to satisified gal, i m easy to give in to him jus by laughing. Cos my Dear noe if i laughed, no big matter will hurt our r/s. And most imptly, i forgave him for what he had done.

Hmm.... Reali wan to tell Dear, DEAR I PLACE YOU IN MY SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART. Pls dun make me worri for u anymore. When times got tougher, i will stand wiz you to fight the odd together.

Lastly, jus wanna say I M SORRI for throwing my anger at you fopr what you did. Hope you are not angry wiz me. WANNA SAY I LOVE YOU DADDY ZUO XIN AS ALWAYS IN MY HEART AND MIND.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever