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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Fixed Feeling and Emotion on My Ex's Bday Celebration Yesterday @ 9/24/2006 02:46:00 PM

Hmm... After Svc i actually wan go home one but hor so few ppl turned up for church svc yesterday so no choice..... I m forced to go along for the celebration of my ex.

Hmm... so no choice but to tagged along. Hmm.... All along the journey, i nv even tok much to him cos dun wan him to have the wrong ideas. Hmm..... Finally i reached Bugis Junction. We walked ard the shopping Centre and finally settled on a resturant called V8 .

Hmm.... i ordered Seafood Spagattie. Hmm.... When i ate the 1st bite, i realised it spicy and hot, i realised i nv told the waitress who took the order for me not to add chillies to my spagattie. No choice cos it alreadi here so i ate it with the aid of cold water. I tink i drank ard 5 glasses of cold water b4 i finish my meal.

By the time i finished, i m too full to tok liao. Den i tok wiz some of my cg member, RONG CHENG, my god brother, Ervin, my joke creater. Hmm... Still i din wan to tok to my ex. Lol.... I kept focusing on 'What time is the dinner going to end?'

Lol... Finally ard 10pm, everyone was done wiz their eating and they continued to source another place to eat dessert. But i m not interested. So i gave the excuse to go to study. Hmm.... b4 i went off, hmm... my ex , s told me to cal him when i reach home.

Hmm.... I shagged at the idea of calling him even when i reached home but still i called him. Phew! He nv picked up so i din waited and proceed to bath 1st. He called me shortly after that. After toking craps, i used study as an excuse to hang up the phone.

Finally the nite is over. :p A brand new day arrived wiz joys with me tinking about my Dear. Lol...

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever