Hmm..... Was talking to my Dear tis afternoon on Msn. Hmm... Know that he was stress at work, yet i can't help him. It like..... those who gt bf will understand how i feel rite? But, i m smart... i send him the photo we took last Sat at Swissotel. Lol.... Finally my Dear smile. Phew! Finally i make my Dear Smile. It seemed easy but it not at all i tell u.... Cos if he is sad, i will be super sad also. Cos i dun like the person i love not happy at all. So while i m on my way home in the bus, i sms him telling him i will cheer him on, support him in any ting he do, telling him if stress at work, do take out the pics i send him tis afternoon and he will defintely smile no matter wat. Kekeke..... it a blessing for me to received his reply. Hmm.... I was tinking abt tis " Wat can i do to make my Dear forever happy? " I noe we still gt a long road to walked together. But i m always trying to be a better gf for him and he vice versa. Love onli come once in a lifetime, for me and him is fate bring us together after crossing and missing each others out in our life for almost one year b4 we got together as a couple. But i m wondering will fate bond us forever together??? These are the Qns i m wondering cos i m feeling blissful when i m always wiz him.... do Dear feel the same also??? Love is a mystery ting as i could say cos it u happi when both are happi, it can also make u sad when one party is down, make u worri for another party if one is sick... Why is it like that? But LOVE can also give u the strenght to do the uncertain tings also. I wish to Delicate a song to my Dear to tell him how much he mean to me. Song is " Dreaming Of You" the lyrics of this song is veri meaningful and i m learning it nw. Lol... Wish me good luck as i planned to sing to him on this month 20th on our 2nd mths Anniversary.