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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Thursday, July 27, 2006
A Blur Day And Irritating Day For Me @ 7/27/2006 01:37:00 PM

Yesterday is not a veri good day for me...... Alot of tings happen..... Got chest pain as a result... All to Blame to me ex...... So sad.... :p

i dunoe wat m i doing yesterday abit affected by the nitemare i had on the previous nite. Make me so slpless on tue nite. So tiring to report to work, no mood to do anyting... Den do alot of stupid tings like telling my bf that i m like in fairy tale story that will wake up soon. Den ask him if i m really his gf...... den he jus ans me Dun wan ma.... after that i jus so quiet..... :"( I din noe what is his ans. I took the confusion to Study.

The feeling lasted all day until i reached JBS for my study. Took a seat at Jeewa Resturant. I Ordered a plate of fried Kway teow Wiz cockles and a glass of ice milo... The food looked nice but i din have much appeitte to eat also... i jus took 3 mouthfuls den i nv eat liao. No mood to eat despite my dear sms me to ask me eat sum ting b4 i go for class. No mood to do any ting, drag my feet to go class.....

The 1st half lesson lasted abt 1 hrs b4 we go for our break. Still veri sianz.... order a piece of chocolate cake and a cup of warm tea. Lol... ok lah.... recieved encouraging sms frm my bf. Lol... warm and touched my heart alot.

2nd half of the lesson veri fun, we learnt abt hw to calculated break even pt for a business.... I was super fast in calculating and give the ans even b4 my lecturer cld come up wiz the ans. He is super amazed by my fast in answering Qns. Lol.... but hor i din even noe i will gt correct anot. Based on my instint, i jus work out the calculation needed. Lol.... Surprised...... i gt all the Qns all correct. Lol... so happi.....

Finally class ended early today. Took a bus home...... Veri idotic..... my ex called again..... as usual spoke his own thoery..... let him say while i listen, the more he say, he more i blowing up in my heart... feel like bashing him up or slap him hard to wake him up...... As usual my style, to tell him nicely that my hp batt low..... One time... 2nd times..... 3rd times.... That is...... he continued w/o knowing i m angry and rdy to blow up soon.

The last straw came at bt timah bus stop cos i gt to transfer another bus to go bt panjang. i scolded him over the phone loudly and it like so paiseh loh..... argh..... So stupid and bug head..... can understand i dun love him or like him ani more. feel like scolding @#$%^&*

Suddenly i gt chest pain attack when i reach bt panjang interchange.... the pain lasted for abt 15 to 20 mins. Sweats formed on my forehead and chest doesnt get better . Heng.... i reach hm safety. If not i bet I will make That ex of mine guilty forever.... After bath, i looked at my hp and saw 3 missed calls. Guess wat 2 out of 3 is that idoit who called. But i saw one familiar number. Lol.... That my beloved dear, zuo xin who called me...

Immediately call my dear and tell him what happen to me jus nw. He was super worried for me and give me the last restort and told me not to pick up his cal frm nw on.... Hmm.... is that good?

After abt 20 mins of toking on phone, we put down the phone and i went to slp. It a Good Nite slp where i dream of him and me... Wahahha.... :p

What can i can for my bf??? Any one to suggest to me?

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever