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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Busy Day @ 6/16/2007 09:13:00 AM

Lol.... Yesterday work was enjoyable yet taxing.....

In the morning was busy wiz the editing of the audit form for my different centres. Lol.... Was enjoying it bcos in the evening meeting Ter to go out. Cos also bcos this week i onli work 2 1/2 days so looking forward to weekends. Maybe could also be my 1st time auditing centres. lol.... kind of tiring cos all my brain cells almost burnt out. Do until lunch den took a break....

That my lunch of rice, chicken and potatoes.... Looked simple yet yummy yummy.

After my lunch, i continue to do the auditing until ard 3 plus, my chairman asked me to join in a conference mtg in regard to the ISESCO wiz our Head President.

The mtg was like World War Three exploding wiz arrows shooting here and there.(Expression of augruments going on). Veri furious and Smoke can be seen coming out ard the head of the ppl invloved.

Last but not least, i nv see my President scolded ppl b4 so yesterday was Eye Opener for me. All i can remmeber is hw upset he looked and he scolded the words 'What the bloody hell are you people doing? Don't know this don't know that!' 1st time saw him fuming FIRE. Lol... Anyway, dun worry i din get scolded at all... :p Heng Heng!

So at ard 4 plus the mtg finished. And jus nice, we had a little discussion in regard to the t shirt design. The T shrit was meant to be worn on 1st July 2007 for the children's home carnival. an finally the design of the tshirt come out as shown above. Dunoe y the pic i upload is blue and light green in colour... it suppose to be maroon red and yellow ard it. Lol... Looking forward to this t shirt.

After my work i went to City Hall to meet Ter. Lol... Always late so he also know... lol... we went to Makan Sultra to eat dinner. Lol.... We had jus BBQ chicken wings and satays for pur dinner. Lol... Yummy Yummy!

Lol... as usual will took a pic of us..... lol... After Dinner, we went to Marina Suare the TS Shop to buy 2 vcds.... to watch at my house together. One is '1942' & 'The Wig'. After that, We walked back to Esplanade to take a cab to my home as i m too tired and lazy to walk.

Will be back to blog the two Vcd critis..... :p

Overall, i had an enjoyable nite.... Thanks Dear for accompany despite u wan badly to watch the soccer. Lol... Will make up to u in future.... :p

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever