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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thanks You @ 6/12/2007 09:31:00 PM

Thanks to Paul Kor and his wonderful hamper to My mum... My mum would like me to say Thanks to you in on her behalf....

She had an ear operation. Thus actually i took leave on mon and tue to accompany my grandparents but last min, My mum told me that she was actually going to Hospital for a small minor operation..... Hmm.... turned out???

On 11/06/07 monday, i accompany mum to hospital.... checked in time at around 10.56am for the operation.... Imagine i waited for her outside the operating room frm that time till 5 plus den she was wheeled out of the operating room.

Hmm... got a shocked cos one side of her head was bandaged up like so swollen... Even Terence was so shocked.... Hmm luckily for her today doc allow her to go home cos she insited.. so do the necessary paperworks and prepared to discharge her on the time.

I muz give praise to AH cos they done a good job in taking care of my mum.... :p Their Service is reali on the tip top condition....

Cos it like rushing for me.... i m suppose to meet my frenz for lunch at Boat Quay ard 12 plus.... So i told the nurse to prepare the necessary paper so when i came back ard 2 plus at AH, i can get my mum discharge frm hospital straight away...

So when i reached back to AH, to my surprise, they got all the document rdy and passed to me in an envelope plus her medicine.... Good Job AH! Cheers! Thank for taking care of my mum....

Also wan to thank My frenz.... Paul Kor and Wendy Jie for encouraging me thru tis time.... My company chairman, Mr Hasbi and Sina my immediate head, for granting me another one more day of leave to take care of my mum...

Lastly, wan to thank Terence, my Bf for staying by me yesterday almost thru out the whole operation and today taking half day leave to acompany me and my mum.... :p Thanks Dear, it wonderful to have you wiz me ard.... :p


©Loving Hubby Terence Forever