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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Clumpsy me @ 6/06/2007 05:19:00 PM

i fell down a flight of stairs last week at my Hq entrance. The best although in pain, i still went out for movie with Terence. The reason being cos i alreadi wasted his money on movie bcos i threw tantrum thus dun go watch. Beside felling down, i suffered from brusies on my kneecaps and being the largest brusies on my thign. Think gona takes weeks to heal.

The sad part, i spoiled my Hp LCD.... Super sad..... Cos it liek onli 3 mths i used the N6288. Bcos i fell, i spoilt the Hp. Taken to Nokia Centre to repair last week and was informed that i had to pay between the range of $80 - $150 for that LCD. Reali sweat i tell you.

So off, i went to collect my hp at Woodlands. Luckily for me, a primary school frenz of mine worked there and saw me and thus charged me less den $80 for the LCD. Although i din noe her... lol...Phew!If not i m going to cry... :P Hey frenz.... Saying a BIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

After taken my Hp, i took a cab to ang Mio Kio to look for Terence. The reason being tired and could use the time to slp in cab. Jus as i m walking to his house, talking and laughing, I saw the small drain. But still i dunoe y i missed my footing and fell down again. This time worst, i suffered cuts and brusies on my legs. Was going to shout when i apply cream to my legs.At 1st, the blueblack was not that obvious but when i reached home, the brusies was so obvious that i wanted scream and cry when i m showering.

It like here i m trying to get my previous week brusies marks to disappear b4 my grandparents come but i added somemore on to it some how.Now could only cross my finger to wish that my blackmark would dispappear.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever