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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Thursday, April 05, 2007
I m Back @ 4/05/2007 11:12:00 AM

Hi Frenzs! I m back to update my post. Hmmm...... Since like it already one month that i m lack in the posting in my blog. Did i miss out anyting??? Well.... Quite miz u all cos i m stuck in my work which is like a mountains. Nv can clear finish wiz my paperworks.

Jus to update u abit of my life recently for the past one whole month.

This is Terence, My Bf cum future husband. Hahahaha.... :p

My relationship wiz him is ok and fine. He treat me like a Princess. I m happy when i m wiz him. We got lots of in common. Kekeke.........

My work..... Haiz.... I m going to transfer out soon. New Workscope..... thus gt abit worri wherether i can comprehen anot. Hmmm.... Going to miz my students at clementi alot. :(

M i ready for great changes? I dunoe but i noe i can do it. :p

Study is going on fine for me jus that gt alot of theory to memorise.... make me having headache.Personally for me i prefer hand on subject den to rememeber a whole chug of notes. Headaches ar....... Kekekeke....

Me jus went back to my hometown - Sarawak last Thursday and back in Singapore on Tue Morning, took alot of pic while on my way there and back. Set up a slide show on the rite side of my blog to show you all... It a meaning ful trip cos it reali bond all my family members together. Laughters and joys r everywhere we go. :p Lol.... Once plane touch down in Spore, i rush back to office w/o catching a wink cos tons of paperworks to clear. Lol.... funni m i? Onl eave still go back and do work..... haiz.... ppl might tink that i fighting for best outstanding awards. Kekekeke.....

Frenz, gt to say super sorri to u for not able to meet you cos of my work. But i will be able to meet frm tis month onwards. Kekeke..... :p Miz you all alot. :P

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever