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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Monday, February 12, 2007
Time to Let Go @ 2/12/2007 01:03:00 PM

Hmm.... After dinner wiz one of my frenz, i return home at ard 8 plus but dun feel like studying so jus lazing ard the hse when Wei Kok, my buddy called. He came to fetch me and i decided to go East Coast Park where i wanted to let the sea breeze blow across my face.

It ard 9 plus i reached. After he finished parking the car, we went to Burger King to get some drinks for him and me. Hmm.... Soon we sat at one of the seats available for us to see the sea although it was covered by the trees.

But the surprise i got was when i lifted my head, i saw the starry stars of the nite that lifted up my spirts at once. Tok alot of my problems to him. He silently listened to me and occassionally joked to make funni faces to make me laughed.

Hmm.... Suddenly, i felt like sms Zuo Xin. So i sms him to tell him i m at East Coast Park and the nite wiz the star surrounding the sky looked beautiful. Hmm... If is it heart connected , he sms me back to say it so qiao, he was also at East Coast Park wiz his frenz. Hmm.... Qiao ma? Y do God always let the two of us ended up in the same place? I dun understand.

Well... while on the way back, i cried when i received one of Zuo Xin msg. My Tears came down as and that make Wei Kok worried for me. Trying to tickle me to make me laugh while he ws driving but it doesn't work for that nite. DOing all kind of actions jus to make me laugh. Hmm... seeing him so hardworking, i decided to smile to show him i m okie and he patted my head to comfort me. And asking me not to tink so much.

Haiz.... Crying baby m i?

Hahaha... sumtime i tink tears r powerful cos it released words you can't express thru yr mouth.

Well.... have you ever had someone that love and tink of you for more den 10 yrs yet you choose to broke their heart in the 1st place???

well.... i had 2 guys who done that for me which i felt so guilty over it. They jus stay at one side silently to watch over me and protect me frm harms for all these years & yet i din know. All they asked for in return is my Beautiful Smile that can stay on my face forever.

Love is sumting i always dun understand. What is actually Love?

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever