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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Spend My CNY @ 2/21/2007 04:16:00 PM

This Year abit special cos i spend 1 out of 3 CNY days wiz my Bf Terence.

LOL.... I woke up quite early on 19th Feb. Lol.... Cos Terence will be coming to my hse to do visit at 9am. Wake up ard 8am den do a quick wash up and do a little bit of make up. Lol... He is here..... Stunned and lost of words.... Hahaha.... He wore a shirt and pants which is i nv seen b4. :p Okok... To cut words short.... we set off from my hse at ard 9 plus. Took a Mrt to Ang Mo Kio. Den walked abit to reach his hse. lol...

Finally at ard 10 plus we arrived at his hse. Feeling abit nervous and i tink he can sense it lol.... The door opened and there stood his mum smiling at me. My nervousness all gone at that instant. I chatted a lot wiz his mum. Lol... Den after that, i went to his room to watch an online Hong Kong Show until part 9. Lol... As uual lah, u noe i like to take pic so there went my camera phone clicking non stop.... So funni.... Show u a piece of his pic.

This is Him, ugly hor?

This is us, laughing while taking pic. Seemed abit dark cos nv turn on the light.

This is much better wiz all the lights turn on.

I ate my lunch at his hse and Went out at ard 2pm to go to the Esplanade Park for the River Ang Bao Walk. Took a Bus to go there.... kekeke....

Ya, tis is taken b4 the bus came. Of Course, my favourite photo of all taken.

We hopped onto the bus and there started my journey. Fell alsp beside him. Lol... To catch my beauty slp b4 i stared my journey to play.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever