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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Fun Dancing Starting of my Biz Class (Second Module) Cooking Lunch For my Dad Celebration Daphne's Birthday A Family Function Wiz My Dear Pleasant Outing wiz Paul Kor, Wendy Jie, Jason Kor... I'll Remember You Next Month Trip to Bintan Wiz Dear Mum Back Frm OverSea Nite Out wiz Dear

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Love Count

Friday, October 20, 2006
Busy to be in the Coming Month @ 10/20/2006 12:43:00 PM

As mention in my head tittle i will be terribly busy in the coming mths to be be.

In Fact i flip opened my Schedules book, i gt a shock. Programmes are packed so much that i tink i m going to faint liao.

No time for me to have personal times wiz frenz, family and even my Dear. So Sad. :(

Tink gt to tink of sum way out to manage my timing liao. :P

If not i dun tink i can meet up wiz frenz for free times or personal times wiz my Dear.

Wondering if i gt the energy to perserve on wiz my programmes on the coming months of Nov and Dec.

Hmm..... Well.... there a few tings in my mind nw as i write tis blog.

1st- Meeting up wiz Paul Kor, Wendy Jie and Jason Kor tml(21st Oct) @ Mind Cafe at Clark Quay @ 1.30pm.

2nd- Meeting up wiz Paul Kor for lunch on 23rd Oct.(Hopefully my mum wun asked me out on that day.)

3rd- Meeting up wiz Dear next week at least for dinner.(Will Dear mind abt it?)

4th- Wrapping up the overall decision on where to stay in the coming trip wiz Dear to Bintan.(It tiring to go see thru so many Information, wonder last time how dad managed to go it for the whole family to go oversea.)

5th- Praying for my colleauge,Sikin to be smooth in her delivery in coming mth to be.(Her 1st time to be Mother. In fact the office left me not yet married yet. Kekeke.... :P)

6th- How can i find more time to settle so many tings in my office works.

7th Latest News - Will be travelling to Sengkang next Thursday(to Settle some stuffs for my company another student care centre) What time m i going to wake up to start my Journey to the East? Lol... :p Estimated it to be 2 hrs of journey to there. :(

8th- Rehearsing Dance wiz My Centre Children to get ready for the 4th Nov Concert Performance.

That all in my mind nw, Actually so tired and stress to tink of anyting liao.

Will be back to blog sum more. :)

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever