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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
My Little Thought @ 7/12/2006 08:43:00 AM

Hmm..... Since the last time i log in.... Hmmm... a lot of tings happened within these few mths. I realised i m not as cheerful as b4..... My emotional takes over me. Nw i wil cry even the smallest tings happen to me now. Like i lost my hp and r/s not going on well.... :..( Well... Now i become a Cry Baby....

My Ex bf and i go thru so 'big' issue and it tasked out to me if i wan to find another bf in the future, i nd to consult the ppl ard me and not jus to plunge in the r/s so soon. This time round, under the threatens of my ex make me realised..... Being a man can be quite scary sometime, one moment he can treat you veri nice.... the next moment, he can turn his face on you and make you afraid of him.... The 'fight' Tings happened & dragged for abt two mths.......Jus yesterday...... every ting turned out fine and my ex finally realised his folly way. In wat sense??? Cos when he lose his job den he finally realised hw silly he is being all these while. M i suppose to forgive him??? MAybe or maybe not???? I dun have the ans.... Being a soft hearted gal..... i dun have the courage to tell him i wan stay as frenz forever not any things more den that.... Well.... din wish to hurt him also....

But do i find the peace after all these issues settled? I din noe.... i seemed to lose my confidence in r/s. Jus yesterday nite..... i cried myself to slp..... I jus felt all these while the feeling bottling up in my heart finall y can be released and tears started to stream down w/o stopping...... I also admitted i make my CG Leader so disappointed wiz me..... While confessing to him...... He din like b4 started to lecture me but whatever i ans he will throw the Qns back at me to make me tink it thru wat is it that had happened. I m luckily to have such a CG Leader to be there for me. I also wanna thank Andy for helping me out for these few days.... Jus wanna said i m sorry to them for bring troubles to them. Well..... I had learnt my lesson in the hardest way nw.

Wat going to happened in th future ..... no one will noe but rite nw wat can i concentrated is i place all my hope in christ and My Biz Study.... :p

Wanna use this blog to tell my 2 kors, Terence and Freddy.... Thanks for standing by my side to support, hold on to me and pull me along when i m abt to fall. I m glad i gt you 2 by myside always there to cheer me up when tings r not going well in my life. Also thanks to my surrounding frenz like Richard, Danny, Clifford and etc..... for going thru these period of tough time wiz me.

Not forgetting my colleauges, Sikin and Taibah for able to use their ears to listen to my long complaining stories.. Lol... W/o u all..... i wun be able to be strong and stand in front of all of you again... Thanks..... ;p

i shall always remember when i m down and out, in my darkest hour.......
" Behind every dark clouds, the sun will be still shinning brightly for me. "

Thanks Lords for letting me overcome everyting so far. Amen!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever