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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
My Sweet Love Journey Wiz my Dear @ 7/25/2006 10:15:00 PM

kekeke...... So sweet, my relationship wiz my Dear, Zuo Xin is one week liao. Lol.... These one week, i enjoyed alot wiz him.... Hmm.... But to admit , i reali dunoe how we started out in the 1st place.... I onli know he keep calling me dear dear after that we blur blur den get together liao.... Is it Funny? "p Lol.... He is a caring guy who noe actually what i want.... Lol.... :p

Hmm.... Let me describe abit of him to you... hmm.... Being a Grad frm NUS( Computing Science). He now wking for National Art Council As Manger IT. He is caring, gentle, Know how to cheer me up when i m down. He knows how to find his programmes when i m not free to acompany him. Same as when he is not free i will find my own programmes. Hmm.... Muz reali treasure him. I Hardly come across such a guy who really know how to treat his gf well although always kena bully by him. lol.... Buy still i m a luckily small woman. He make me feel loved. I also make him feel loved also. Lol.... Love isnt in this way ma??? I m glad i finally understand what the following phases mean..... "THE KEY TO SUCCEEDING IN LOVE IS NOT FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON; IT'S LEARNING TO LOVE THE PERSON YOU FOUND" ( specially for Richard)

Hmm.... 3rd September is his birthday. What shld i do for him to tel him how much i realli appreciate him as my bf for watever tings he done for me so far. He brought joys to me when i m in tears. I really Cldnt tink of anyting to do for him except to be his little woman behind this Big man to support him and hold on to him when he fell into confusion. Lol.... After so many 'big' woman in my past 4th r/s, tis is my 1st time i feel so blessed and blissed to be a little woman. Wahahahha..... :p

Was toking to him abt 2nd September 2006 asking him to join me for a lunch function for my company at Raffles Ballroom @ Swissotel.... :p So Glad he is able to accompany me to attend function. So Look forward to the day where i can formally intro him to my frenz and company staffs..... Dunoe y i will skip a beat when i mention him.... Super Miz him nw...... Lol....

For those looking for love, dun worri.... God will place sumone meant for u in near coming time, dun be rush into a r/s to washed away yr wound. :p Hope u will meet sumone worth your love for him/her.... :p

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever