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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Monday, July 28, 2008
Outing With My Beloved Sisters @ 7/28/2008 01:16:00 AM

On Sunday, we went to bugis for a mini Girl Gathering as for so long we nv meet up to discuss our recent life.

We went to TCC to drink coffee before we started to walk ard Bugis Junction to see see and eat eat....

I Ordered a glass of Oreo Mocha Frappé to drink. It was so Yummy and nice. Whle drinking, we chatted alot of our past and happening events. It was so memorable.

But it seemed that today was so crowded at Bugis as there was a Taiwan Food Gallery going on. See the pic above and u will understand what i meant.

After going thru the whole level of BHG, we came across the comestic section where the sale lady took me, Wendy Jie and Rebec Jie as Sample and do some makeup on our face....

Well.... Let me show u the pic before i do makeup.

And After Makeup. Which one do u tink is nicer? My Hubby Say i look beautiful and took a pic of me.

Of course which, i took a pic with Rebec Jie also.

Of course which, I believed Wendy look beautiful in this pic especially.

At the same time after That, i decided to buy the product as show above.Hahaha... Being Gal, who dun want to be beautiful rite? And the price to pay is ard $89++....

With that also i bought a blouse for working usage.Kekeke..... It nice loh....

After all the buying, we went to Wongkok Char Chan Teng at Level 2 to have Dinner.

Kekeke..... We r all famished in fact.... So we order the food as shown above...

Of course not forgetting our drinks.....

Of course not forgetting to take pictures of me and Hubby Ter as he is going in Reservisit From Mon till Friday. Hubby Cut hair make him look like a Poly Student... Hahaha....

Of course, nv forget to take pic with Rebec Jie also. Lol.... After that, We all went home seperately. Hubby Ter send me to Taxi Stand and called cab for me as the queue at there super super long. He waited for me till my cab came and he went off to take a bus home. Wonder when will it be our next outing... :P

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever