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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Sunday, July 13, 2008
A Peaceful Weekend with Hubby Terence @ 7/13/2008 09:24:00 PM

The last two days of the weekend, i spend it quietly with my Hubby Ter.

Hmm.... Hubby Ter stayed over at my hse on Friday.

Sat morning, i went to give tuition at 9am while Hubby Ter still aslp.

Aftr finished tuition @ 10.30am, give a call to Hubby to meet me at Bukit Panjang to buy Mac for breakfast.

Bring it home to eat, after eating, use awhile of computer before i totally knocked out and slp like a pig to my fullest until 5pm.

Mother came home, washed clothes and cooked dinner.

Dinner consists of Soup and dishes. We ate to full as mother cooked too much rice.

After that, we went back to my room to rest and watch Online drama. Den after that, i started to upload new blog skin to my blog.

Spent a bit of time to design my blog until the wee morning of Sunday. Surprised to find Dear Slping so soundly and snoring all the while on my bed.

So gt no choice but to slp @ 3am on the mattress on the floor.

Wow! i slpt until 2.3opm in the afternoon. Lol... time delayed so gt no choice but to postpone our outing.

Woke up to find out that my Brother laptop tio virus. Busy repairing the laptop but to no avail. Decided to stop using the laptop and use back my own laptop.

Cooked soup noodles plus nuggets for Hubby and myslef to eat.

Heavy lunch through.

After lunch, went back room. Hubby Ter opened online movie but after watching for a while, he was off to the La La Land. Slpt until mother came back.

Den hor, blur me, forgot that today her birthday. So Brother, Hubby Terence n me called n booked a table downstair for Zi Char at 7pm.

We ordered Lala, Asyam Fish Head and Brocoli with clams to eat for dinner.

Again, So full till Hubby Ter wanted to vomit liao.

After that, returned back home.

Hubby Ter changed and went home.

As for me, i started to iron my 5 sets of clothes and do up my outstanding office works.

After that, Chit Chat wiz Cindy. Packed my bag for working for tml

After that, marked my tuition assignment done by students.

Marked halfway gt no more mood to continue so decided to come online to blog.

Lol.... after this blogging, i am going to slp.

So till now, i bide you a good night as you read finished my this blog.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever