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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Love Count

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Terrible Headache @ 7/17/2008 11:41:00 PM

I fell sick on 16th July which is on my 1yrs 5mths Anniversary wiz Hubby Terence.

Meet Hubby Ter at Tanjong Pagar, took a cab home. Slpt thru out the journey home. Even Hubby Ter's Kisses couldn't Stop the pain i was feeling at that moment.

Gt the pain so tedious that i coudln't even sit still or even eat. It was so bad that i even cry.

Slpt so early ard 8plus yesterday

Got up this morning but still feel acute pain behind my head.

Could it be due to stress?

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever