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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Monday, July 02, 2007
Children's Home Carnival @ 7/02/2007 11:31:00 PM

On 1st Of July... I went to Darul Mawa Children's Home to help out in the Carnival...

That me wiz Tabitha and Refeah.... Both my closer frenz....

This year compare to last year, shld say that the stalls are lesser.... But neverthless, it was crowded... quite surprised.

The previous nite nv slp engh thus caused me to feel unwell... I vomitted thrice at the Carnival thus empty my stomach completely.... Keep drinking water also no use cos i tink due to not engh rest, my body heat cant expel out.... :p That was wat caused me to pop 6 extra pandanol to cure my headache.... Cos it reali paining me out.... Feel like crying...

The heat for that day was so unbearable to take it..... Even when i walked under it abt 2 plus under the hot sun, i feel like i m an ice cream gona melted soon or ltr... :P

But still.... i managed to run ard the carnival to play games and wons so many soft toys.... Lol.... Even managed to grab bags and small pouches at low prices...

Managed to win a soccer ball wiz local famous footballers signatures. Lol...

At ard 4 plus, Wendy, Chris, Stella & Paul come to Carnival to look for me. I took them ard to play different games. Seeing that they play so happy, i feel delighted also.... Each came wiz empty handed but go home wiz full of toys and tingys they won frm games.... Lol... :p

Compare to mine, i tink i sure won quite alot.... Take a look at the below pics and u will understand what i say... :p

The Luggages bag that i used to carry my stuffs that i won back home.

Bookmarks that have Wishes to You and Good luck on it.

The Small soccerball that has many famous ppl signature on it...

Tings that i used less den $20 to buy... :p

Look like Candy Floss Doggy

Last but not least, My family pic of Bears collections.... So nice rite?

Do u envy me having so many toys? Hahahaha....... Joking.... Dun take it to heart... :)

Kekeke.... Although suffered frm headache, i still enjoy my day wiz fun... Thanks Frenz for supporting Jamiyah Children Day Carnival.... :p

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever