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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Monday, July 02, 2007
Overwork @ 7/02/2007 10:24:00 AM

Hmm... tis few days like overwork.... lol.... But neverthless wanna say thanks to my Dear, Ter, my 3 wondeful designers, Siti, Wanie & Aishah for helping me to design the wondeful bookmark to suit my centres' Head Expectation.

These are the bookmarks that make me work overtime on Sat till 12 plus midnite...

It went like that, on Friday we r rushing the product. Designers print and edit like countless time... Finall get it printed out. By rite, it shld be the teachers job to cut and laminate the 500 bookmarks but due to i noe that the teachers are veri busy and tired for the carnival tingy. so i decided to do it on their behalf w/o telling them who done it.... Who know.... They took for granted that it shld be designers do all the tingy.

Suddenly on sat, when im in church servcies, They sm me to tell me that one of the colour if the bookmarks are wrong in typo error. So iasked them to used ballpoint pen to retify the problems. But they insited to reprint. So no choice got to rush back office to help the designers to redo the bookmarks. i was like so mad liao...

It like they took for granted that it shld be done by designers. Excuse me! My designer is to design the bookmarks and not help u to produce the result. Pls dun take ppl for granted especially my designer are small under the age of 20 years old ok???... u know hw tiring it to print countless time and run like HELL in office jus to get ting done in yr perfection.... Better Appreciated us more....

Guess what they din even used the red bookmarks thayt we reprinted, took time to cut and counted. It like Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr........... Wan to bash ppl up liao....

Nevermind, thru this lesson, i learnt alot of tingy.... My r/s wiz my designers also improve.... They r so close to me nw... :p

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever