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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Jason Kor Kor In ICU Backdated of New York Outing Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 3 Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 4) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 3) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 2) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 1) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 1 Does It Pay To Be Nice? Sentosa Trip

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Sunday, November 26, 2006
Update abt my Past 2 Weeks @ 11/26/2006 10:51:00 PM

Apologises to those who have been faithful reading my blog.......

Kind of fall sick for the past one week and it liked hell....

Updates now reporting:

1) Children Started Holidays that mean i got busy also.

2) Fall sick two weeks ago and jus recovered recently.

3) Busy wiz my internal exam revision for my Biz Study.

4) Busy wiz my Biz Study Powerpoint presentation slide.

5) Busy doing my Anniversary presents for my beloved Dear.

6) Busy Preparing for my bible study Study.

7)Busy counting down how many more days my Dear will come out from Camp cos miz him ma. :p

8) Worri for Jason Kor.

Result of my Biziness.... i got the following rewards......

1) My internal Exam for Biz Is Over. ( Shld be scoring higher den my coursemates)

2) My Bible Study Exam is Also Over liao. (Easy and sure to score full marks)

3) Finally rush out my Biz Study Presentation Silde. ( Full confidence i will score well )

4) Finally left 2 more days to go b4 my bf comes out of camp.

5) Finished doing the Card, the photos printed out and even the gifts prepared liao. ( Hope to give him a surprise. )

6) Finally recovering from all sickeness. Lol... :p

A lesson to be learnt tis time round, Nv play wiz Flu or fever. SEE DOC WHEN U R SICK.

Hope to see jie tis weekends.

Gtg... Will be back to blog abt my inner feeling and thoughts tml.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever