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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Friday, November 03, 2006
Does It Pay To Be Nice? @ 11/03/2006 01:02:00 PM

Well.... Not reali feeling well... tis morning.

Got a Slight Fever and was Struggling to get up frm my Bed.... Thanks to that idoit.

Cant reali understand, eat until so old - 27 yrs old liao still want to throw tantrum, dun noe hw to tink sum more.

Reali pity the mum for having tis kind of 'childish kid'.

Does it pay to be nice to tis person?

Well... Sumtime ppl r jus greedy and expect more. I REALI HATE TIS KIND OD PPL.

It doesn't pay to be nice to him. So stupid loh.... Wat i tink he was a attention seeker.

Make me realised one ting.... Straight down in my heart that i promised myself no matter wat he did, i will not accept him back cos he reali not a man. Cos I HATE HIM NW!

Threatened to go die for almost half a year, onli act act but nv do it. Wat the Heck.... Tis kind of guy living in the world is making tis socitety turned dirty. Onli know hw to blame ppl but dun noe hw to repent his mistake.

Hopeless guy!

Told the incident to my Cg leader liao..... Haiz... He onli shake his head cos tis time round he is too much liao.

Feel like a idoit in the past for treating him so good yet he taken me for granted.
Shld have told him that time if he wanted to commmit sucide den go ahead.
Reali sick and tired of him saying the same ting but no action.

ARGH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IDOIT IDOIT!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever