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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 3) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 2) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 1) Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 1 Does It Pay To Be Nice? Sentosa Trip A Surprise From a Long Lost Frenz Thank You My Frenz LOST MONEY Pics of us At Clark Quay

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Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wonderful trip to Bintan Day 2 (Part 4) @ 11/09/2006 02:17:00 PM

But the sky din cooperated wiz us, it started to rain heavily after 10 mins as we went into the sea. So, we got no choice, but to return back to our Resort. As we walked back, it rained heavily wiz all the rain hitting hard on us.

Poor Dear all dripping wet frm head to toe. Lol.... Looked so funni.. :p

Had a quick washed up and Waited for the rain to stop b4 we proceeded to have our dinner. Was real hungry man.... Stomach growling non stop... lol....

Finally rain stopped and we went to have our romantic Dinner. Food was nice and tasty and it onli cost us less den $50 for the bill.

After that, we went to the lobby to rest and played games of sramble and English Chess. Lol.... Overall it so enjoyable...

Next, we went to walked ard and see the differents items on sale n came across so batik so nice so decided to take a pic opp the chair.

After everyting, we tend to go back to our room to rest but again rain came and we r stranded in the Cafe but not too bad, we had a cup of ice cream b4 we went off and ended our nite.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever