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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Times Flies @ 9/30/2006 07:07:00 PM

Hmm.... times seemed to passed fast w/o me knowing it.

Cos everytime i spent wiz Dear, Times is like so fast. Hmm... So sad.

Feel that dear dun have engh time for me like that even though he stayed overnite at my hse last nite.

Got a bit fed up and upset over my Dear yesterday that i cried unti like a baby waiting for it daddy to hug hug.

It liked that he promised me to be at my hse at 10 plus but i waited until i dozed off he havent come yet.

Looked at the time it alreadi 11 plus so decided to call him, asked him where he is. Guess wat!!! He told me he still at City Hall waiting for bus. Speechless to hear that!!! Cos he broke his promise to me. Asked him wat time he set off frm his hse. 10pm. Win liao loh!!! Kind of fed up n pissed off liao.

He sensed my unhappiness and keep saying "Sorry Dear" Hmm... guess i must be too mad to listen to his Sorri and straight i rebuked him back wiz " Sorri No Cure Loh!" Guess he is stunned to hear me say that to him cos i nv did once lose my temper to him. Hmm.. What goes wrong wiz me????

Hmm... it ard 1 plus when he arrived at my hse. Opened the door to let him in but nv tok to him. Jus told him i m jus so tired and wan to slp so tell him ltr after he bath go slp on the other bed not wiz me.

Guess he muz be sad when heard me said like that to him. What happen to the old self of sweet and caring Elaine????

Hmm..... After he bath, he came in quietly and settled down fast. But he came over to me to kiss my forehead to wish me gd nite. Guess he muz be shocked to realised his gf is running fever. I noe he cant slp. He keep a vile over me at my bed. Hmm.. tinking to myself muz i be so petty over tis matter. It better den he nv come at all rite?

Guess my fever reali burnt me out.

Guess i m reali sick and reali need him by myside. So i called out to him softly and asked him i wan him to slp beside me.

W/o hesitating much, he slpt beside me, huging me tight to make sure i m not cold. Cos i keep coughing non stop when i slpt. Guess he was reali worried for me and keep asking me "What wrong baby?" I jus mumbled like a baby.

Guess wat i fallen alsp. :P

But the sky lighted up too fast. Cos it alreadi daylight dawn when i saw him.

We set off from our hse at ard 11 plus to CCK. Hmm...

Weather looks threatening engh. still we nv bring umbrella out . trying to be heronie.

we settle at CCK 4th level foodcourt.

Tell u the food i order there will be the last time i wan ordered that dish again.

It so Yucky............... Not nice to eat at all.

it kind of Enteraining to ka jiao my Dear when he is eating, taking so much pic of him as memories. He in turned also took some for me .

After finshed that unbearable meal, we went round shopping for gift for my darling Weii Sxuen.
We went to NTUC to get chocolate for my students. The lady at the cashier was so shocked to see me buy so much sweets and chocolates. Lol.... So funni

Finally as Dear gt some family committement ot attend tonite i asked him to go home after that.
We took bus 190 together.

Hmm.... rain came sooner and later as i expected. Dropped at the bus stop and walked all the way home in Rain.

Guess it muz be the rain that making me sick and feverish now.

Hmm... Or m i mizing my Dear too much to tink liao.

Dear promise me u will not neglect me ani more like last week. ok?
Feeling awful when i cant see u or meet u.
So see you soon after my exam on 9th October.
Finally wanna thanks you for coming over last nite despite i throwing tantrum at you.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever