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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Tuesday, June 06, 2006
A Quiet Outing @ 6/06/2006 07:33:00 AM

Hmm............ kekeke...... Last nite outing wiz my 1st ex bf, Wei Kok is so fun and cosy. We so long nv met liao.... Let me count...... Abt 1 yr plus, we nv meet. Hmm.... Found out he actually put on weight abit. Look more Handsome as ever. Wahahaha..... He came and fetched me in his Car. Actually he wan rode his bike and fetch me but i told him i dun wan sit on bike cos afraid of falling down onto the road.

Kekeke...... Noe that he always dote on me thus i noe i will get my way to sit in a car rather den bike. Lol..... it about 11pm when he arrived at my hse downstair. Hmm.... Wana bash him up cos he always made me it for him until i wan zzzzzzz liao. Actually yesterday outing is to accompany him cos heard he jus quarrelled wiz his gf. So i can onli be there to share his sadness and be his treasure bag.

We 1st drove to the 7 - 11 store at bukit panjang to buy some drinks. We both bought Sulpper which is of different favour, Apple favour and coca cola favour. Bully him abit say wanna drink his coca cola one. He wun hesistated to pass me his drink. Of course, free labour to help him carry his drink ma while holding on to mine. Lol...... We chat and tok happily while on our way back to the car.

we headed off to somewhere in singapore ard cck area to look at the nite view. It been a while since i last looked at the wonderful and beautiful Nite View of Spore. We tok until abt 12am. Hmm..... In the process, i accidently chanced upon that he actually broke up wiz his gf liao. Hmm.... Shld i be happy or wat??? You noe we actually can patch back at that instant moment..... :p Hmm... i noe actually he was upset abt his failed r/s jus that he din say it out.

Knowing him coming close to 8 yrs. i noe him too well. His one facial movement or hand signals, i can tell what he reali wan. Den we chat abt my r/s. In that moments, tears kept streaming down my face, he was so worried. So funni, you shld see his reaction, he asked me to hold back my tears so he gt time to find tissue papers for me to wipe my tears. But Tears wun listen to me, it flowed down b4 i gt chance to do anyting. Of course, He hugged me and told me it was alright. He was the onli bf i had b4 till now who noe hw to handle my emotions when i m sad, happy or angry. I gt to admit that he is still the best BF i ever have b4. :p

Then, we tok abt last time when we were together. Lol.... i told him i forgot if we ever argue or not. But through talk, i actually found out that we nv quarrelled not to mention not even once in our 6 mths of courtship. Amazing hor?? He told me actually when i wanted to be angry, he immediately do tings or made faces at me to make me laugh instead of angry. Lol..... So good and cute hor??? So Miss those daes.....

But he also admitted to me that i m still one of his Best GF he ever had cos he felt so relaxed when wiz me. Forget to say i also ma. Not to mention i always his target to be 'suan' by him, to make his day or nite. Haiz.... When can i have powerful tongue talk so i can out talk him as and when i want. Lol... Guess what??? We both actually have the same destination to go to Genting for a short Holiday. Lol..... So Qiao hor??? :p

Soon, it time for me to go home liao. Surprisely, my mum nv call. Cos My mum noe him also. She always noe i m safe in his hand. ^__^He drove to my hse downstair and accompany me up rite to my doorstep. So sweet. I m Circling in my own sweet world. ^___* Even b4 he went off, he will always be like last time give me a good nite kiss to make sure i slpt well at nite.

Wei Kok, Jus a gentle reminder to you: Dun always make me worri for you especially when i noe abt yr last year accident on BKE yesterday. Make me so worri for you. Lol.... Least but not last, Wish you all the best in your next coming R/s. Will also pray for yr safety on the road when u ride the bike. Last but not least, Jus to tell you thanks for the wonderful nite you have given me. It reali make me relaxed totally out.

Should i asked him for patchback ma? Lol... nvm..... dun tink so much...... :p kekeke

Hey Richard! noe you are reading tis blog..... JIA YOU FOR YR COMING EXAM! YOU CAN DO IT ONE.... ^__^

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