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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Terence's Marriage Proposal Part 1/2 @ 8/12/2008 12:18:00 AM

The National Day is a joyous occasion to every Singaporean but this year 43rd National Day is even more meaningful to me.

Yes! Terence Proposing to me with the help from Cindy, Patrick, Wendy, Chris, Stella.... And I have said Yes to Him.

Let me shown you some of the pic on how they do up the room....

The walkway that make me tot i walked to the wrong room.

The Heartshaped where I stood in the middle to let Terence Propose to me. It is also a difficult task for Ter as he spent quite some time to arrange the shape. Xin Ku le Hubby!

The Well decorated Bed with petals on it.... Isn't it romantics?

The I LOVE U Candles done by Terence as a gift to me lighted up my nitez... :)

The Well Lighted decorated in front of Mirror.

Me putting on the ring with a big smile.

The Bear and the bouquet of flower specially ordered by Hubby Ter.

A Pic with Hubby To mark his marriage proposal successful coming to a end.

Sepcial notes to Hubby Ter:
Hubby Ter, wanted to thank you for giving me such a wonderful and memorable Marriage Proposal. I knew you are workign hard on this since June. Jus wanna say, it a Sweet surprise to me as no words can be used to describe the feeling inside me. Thanks for everything u have given to me. Thanks for holding on to me everytime when i am too tired to go on. Thanks for giving in to me when we quarrelled everytime. As this song mentioned 'Jus as this moment on I Will Always Love You Till Time Ended For Me & You!'

Special notes to Beloved Frenz:
You should know who u r. Lol.... i wanna thank you for all the help you have tender to Ter in making this day eventful for me and Ter. Wanna thanks u all for making my life perfect. Thanks for Gracing the memorable moments with me and Ter. Thanks!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever