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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Sunday, May 25, 2008
KL Trip @ 5/25/2008 09:23:00 PM

We set off very early to Golden Miles Centre to wait for our bus to KL cater by 5 Stars Travel Agency.

But to our dismay, the bus late for one and half hours ans also very dirty where u can see litters lying ard.

Half way before we reached Tuas Checkpoint, the bus breakdown. U know the personnal in charge didn't even told us wat happen and jus went down to knock the engines. We were lefty stranded at the bus stop near Tuas Checkpoint. Angry faces are shown. Grumpy can be seen also.

My logistic in charge was so mad that she called the Tour agency to complaint. Rezspond are slow and we r left with no choice. When news came, another bus will come to Tuas checkpoint to fetch us.

Off we clear the checkpoint custom, we r to WAIT again.

By the times the bus came it already 12 plus....

Set off to our destination.... we were like so rushed.

Reached our Hotel ard 4pm. 2hrs behind the expected time we r supposed to reach.

Checked into to our room. Lucky room r up to our expectation.

Rushed out to KLCC to our next destination.

Nth to shop in the shopping centre. Cos everyting are so expensive and not worth to buy.

We went to Jalan Petaling whcih is called the Chinatown of KL.

we bought quite alot of goodies back to Singapore.

By the times we r done, it was like ard 10pm plus plus. We took LRT back to our nearby hotel and walked back. It was a tiring day.

Next is to show u our hotel room. It was more spacious den i can imagine.

As we r still hungry as we eat very little, so we ordered room service. But not bad, the food is damned nice.

The next day was spend basically shopping at sungei plaza in KL.

At night, we went to eat at this famous Restaurant THE SHIP.

After that we r dead beat. Slp like log as the nite slipped by to greet us.

The next day, after our breakfast, we went to the level 5 - 8 suited inside the hotel to play the theme park. The rides are thrilling and nice.

After that, we went for coffee and walked ard until 2 plus before we headed back to lobby to wait for our bus.

Again, the bus are late and vey dirty. Alot of unhappiness happiness while on coach... dun wished to mention it.

It was alreadi 12 plus when i reached home. Packed up my things and went to slp as the next day we have to work.

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever