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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Remember How We Get Started @ 8/01/2007 09:58:00 PM

Remember how you meet your love?

I met up wiz wendy to collect the card she done for jason.... while chatting and looking at the mac tv.... there was this Qns popped up on the screen.... "Rememeber how you meet your love?"

It made me rememebr of my Dear Ter... den we chatted abit on how we met our love... And from there how both our love for our bfs grow more and more as each day passed.... It so mystery that the love most couple have for each other stay as a part of their life.... :p

As days passed by, I found out that ever since Ter fell sick during reservist, I will start to care whether he is ok? Is he sick? Drink engh water? Gt engh rest? It is like i cant slp or put my heart at ease if he nv tok to me at nite b4 i slp... :P Maybe this is wat called real care and concern ba.... or wat we called Love. The love is strong to go all out to care for that person despite u r busy.

Nw, i m looking forward to the ROM for both of us. It a time where we will stand together to agree to stand by each other no matter what happen in the future. :P

Nowsday, wherever i go i always see babies or toddlers smiling or me trying to make them smile... Jus like this morning.... as i took the lift down to the ground floor, there is this little gal guess ard 2 1/2 yrs old smiling at me and waving good bye to me when we reached ground floor... it brighten up my day w/o failed.... Thanks little gal... Hmm.. wat is heaven trying to hint ot me? It time to start a family wiz Ter is it? Hahaha...i Dunoe..... lol :P

My Dear Hubby Ter, Wanna thanks you for appearing in my life and making it more colourful den b4.... Thanks for being my pillar all the times. Thanks for teaching me how to tink more for each other and not onli for myself.... But i reali reali miss u alot when u r away in camp... Lastly but not least... Ter I LOVE U!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever