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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Dear in Reservist @ 7/24/2007 04:46:00 PM

Dear Dear now in Army Reservist. It going to be from 23th july 07 to 4th aug 2007. today is his 2nd day.

Dunoe hw is he copping liao? Hope Dear Dear is able to adapt well... :P

Dear Jia You.... I will cheer for u ... :P

Despite he is in army now, he still gt sms me to tell me wat he is doing and coping... :P

Dear as u say i treat tis period for a test for both of us... :P Gonna miz u alot alot... :P

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever