- Name: Princess Light
- Location: Singapore
I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p
Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always.
I Love to look after ppl who i love.
I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love.
Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Supper stress Period @ 5/28/2006 09:18:00 PM
Hmmm...... Feeling reali stressup these few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel Like disappearing into the thin air....... To escape to see SKY....... I tink you will ask me why rite? Cos I already feel so tied up by him in tis r/s..... I seemed to lose all my freedom in all area. I feel so regret to enter into a r/s wiz him. He control me so much and always threatened to die or to be gay if i l ever left him. Hmmm... wat m i suppose to do? Sometime feel like wat if my heart condition worsen? Wld that be better? Cos i will die suddenly. He started a series of fight wiz me but in the end u guess wat??????????????? HE SAY I STARTED ALL THE FIGHTS 1ST................ i tell u i m speechless liao. HE say i dun care abt him make him tis and that..... Send me a series of sms to condemn me and say i m a selfish gal and say i m such a unreasonable gal. Dunoe hw to be automatic abit. Used his mum's name to say me some more. Furthermore........ Guess wat???? Condemn my Spiritual Level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is he to condemn me so much...... I feel so unhappi to be in tis r/s.Yesterday, he made me on fire. Call me to harass me and condemn me again. And Like today, i asked for a temp split to be quiet, he dun wan. So i firm down my heart to tel him it all useless cos i wan the split mean i wan the split no matter wat happen. Do you ever been treated like tis in a r/s b4? To put down yr pride is so difficult for gal. Furthermore, i feel i dun have the basic respect frm him. I tell you..... nw i m numbless in any fight wiz him ani more so i onli can say sorri to hiim. He feel so great sia and continue to use SMS or PHONE CALLS to torment me. How i wish GOD wld use tis time to take me away frm tis world....... So i dun need to be so suffering any more. Hmm....... Engh of those in me...... Luckily for me, i still gt a Good frenz by myside...... He is Richard..... Tell you...... thanks to him...... he is always by myside to pull me along, to hold on me to me....... So greatful to tis frenz of mine. I feel so relaxed when wiz him..... But so paiseh...... Cos Yesterday cry over the phone while toking to him...... I feel like i gt now where to run so i can onli run to My shelter. I dun noe how long i can take it b4 i collaspe and land into hospital ....... hmmm..................... So Sad...........................
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