After listening to so many podcast of Yes 933 罐头剧场, i beginnning to realise that in Love, no matter what we do, we must hold on to it if not, we will be hurt by it.
In the podcast, there will always be bad and good guys.
But the podcast I always like would the one that have plot and storyline. The story is as follows:
1979年的一個仲夏夜,方偉喆與孫雨珊相遇。真愛讓他倆克服重重挑戰,終化解跨時代糾結。無奈,方偉喆因血癌病逝;孫雨珊為忘卻喪父之痛終日忙於家族生意,導致與雙胞胎子女方家樂、方家羲關係疏離… …
孫雨珊雖在商界傲視群雄,與女兒不合是她最大遺憾。母親林惠逝世後,心力交瘁的孫雨珊交出公司大權。一場商業與情感的鬥爭立即展開… …
方家樂上位後,因連串事件疲於奔命,精明能幹的女友Alicia雖一眼識破敵方奸計;個性憨厚的方家樂卻一步一步招來殺身之禍… …
If you are interested, you can always log on to for more podcast of the drama.