Been wanting to catch a humourous drama play live @ National Library for a very long time. And this year end they are showing this favourite Fairy Tale story - Snow White and The 7 Dwarfs(Edition)
The plot of the story as followed:
The Queen rules over the Eternal Kingdom, where everybody is perfect - or tries very hard to be. When they turn 18, her subjects undergo a process called 'Enhancement', where they are sponsored to fix their flaws. In the Kingdom, it's a crime to be ugly!
Every year, the Queen holds a beauty pageant where she is crowned the most beautiful. One day, her Magic Mirror, who cannot lie without literally cracking up, reveals to her that a new beauty has come of age--her own step-daughter Snow White!
Poor Snow White is thus commanded to go through 'Enhancement', but under a plastic surgeon so creepy he would make Michael Jackson tremble. She manages to escape, but finds herself beyond the borders of the Kingdom-where she encounters dirt, junk, talking pests and the Seven Dwarves, banished from the Kingdom for refusing to be cosmetically modified.
W!LD RICE’s latest comedy-musical-pantomine is a hilarious, heartwarming satire on keeping it real. What happens when the Prince discovers that the love of his life looks like a karang guni girl? Will the Queen stop coming up with new titles for herself and finally retire?
It will start playing from 26 November – 20 December 2008.
The timing is 7.30pm from Monday to Friday, with 2.30pm matinees on Saturdays and Sundays.
The venue is at Drama Centre Theatre @ National Library Building | 100 Victoria Street, Level 3.
The ticket of the drama is as followed:
$29, $39, $44, $49 (7.30pm Previews 26 & 27 November)
$34, $44, $49, $54 (7.30pm Tues, Wed, Thurs & Sun)
$39, $49, $54, $59 (7.30pm Fri & Sat) (2.30pm Sat & Sun)
So anyone want join Hubby Ter and Me in watching this drama?