Before my Dear Ter enter in my life, i never know what to do or handle my life situation as i am always trapped in my inner heart looking without any colours.
I dun tell people that i am actually afraid to be alone. Funny right?
I jus afraid to be alone. Thus i like to be ard people. People say what, i will follow them. And end up, when all these ppl gone from my life, i found no courage to walk the remaining road.
Sometime, i am so afraid to make wrong choice of frenz... So even when they make use of me, i will keep quiet and wept sometime when i am alone.
But now, Hubby Ter and my few close frenz stand by me and gave me encouragement to walk my journey together.I see colours in my life everydays.
Dear frenz, if u are reading my blog, u know who u r, thanks for walking by my side when i needed someone to shield me from storms. I am be grateful to u all forver.
As for Ter, Thanks for staying by my side to watch and catch me when i fell. U r my pillar of support forever. I LOVE U!