- Name: Princess Light
- Location: Singapore
I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p
Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always.
I Love to look after ppl who i love.
I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love.
Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Going for ROM Gown Trying @ 6/29/2008 07:25:00 PM
After sourcing thru many website and deciding here and there. I went down to the boutique wiz Stella and Hubby Ter. We have decided to use the service of Bridal Elegance for our ROM. The package is as follow: ROM Package * S$438 only › ROM gown (off the rack) › professional make-up + hair-styling › hand bouquet › 80 photos with cd return › processing + 4R photo prints › free album (worth $40.00) › service exceeding 2 hours will be charged at S$50.00 per hour Note: Surcharge for ROM falls on weekend - S$50.00 (refer to photography). Surcharge if solemnization out of ROM premises - S$50.00 (refer to photography). As our ROM fall outside ROM Premises, we have to pay another $50 for the surcharge. Beside that, we have to pay $200 additional in cash for their rental of their jewelleries. The $200 will be able to give back to us after we returned back the accessories. Hubby Ter will be renting a suit from them to wear for our ROM. Next is to try on their different gowns for ROM. After trying on for abt 4 gowns, Ter and I picked a gown similar as the above picture shown. Will be going to down on 16 August 2008 to try again some of their new arrival gowns. Dun worries, tis time round, i will be taking pics. As of such, in case if i wan to change to another gown, i will be able to do so. After that, when we decided on the gown and suit. we will be able to collect on 30 August for our gown. Jus in time to get ready for ROM.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Forensic Heroes 2 & Fated to Love You @ 6/29/2008 06:50:00 PM
法證部高級化驗師高彥博為人博學、冷靜、機智,貫徹「毋枉毋縱」的法證精神,帶領法證部與警方合作偵破無數案件,不過罪犯手法愈趨高智慧、狡猾,法證部亦要不斷精進,務求更科學化、更巧妙、更有效率地找出案件真相,所以法證人員的工作也見日益繁重。 非常法醫古澤琛,亦是著名推理小說家,曾經因應其小說而牽引出幾件曲折離奇的案件。他藉著解剖屍體和活體取證,為死者或受害人說話,把罪案的真相呈現眼前... 澤琛和法證部政府化驗所技術員林汀汀共同經歷了一段起伏的感情路,終於開花結果。身邊所有人都為他倆而高興、祝福。然而,正當澤琛和汀汀籌備婚禮之際,另一邊廂的彥博和西九龍重案組督察梁小柔的一段感情,卻因為彥博的理性而顯得平淡,小柔其實亦羨慕澤琛和汀汀的浪漫和激情,雖然知道彥博是用情專一的男人,但也不禁有患得患失之感。 一宗牽涉國際毒販的兇殺案,把毒品調查科高級督察馬幗英介入彥博、澤琛和小柔的合作關係當中。 幗英領導毒品調查科兩年,是警隊中出色的破案高手。小柔辦案勇猛過人,每每身先士卒,幗英卻屬於智慧型審訊高手,每逢審問疑犯前,均會先掌握案情關鍵,再逼問犯人,令其供出真相。幗英審問手法靈活多變,更會親自模擬兇案現場環境,以求勾起受害者的記憶,從中找出破案線索。 兩幫毒販為了利益而互相廝殺,甚至以炸彈來對付仇家,在一次手榴彈襲擊事件中,幸得澤琛少年時代的好友楊逸昇的偶然出現,化解了一場危機。 逸昇原來是英國回來的拆彈專家,處事鎮定,能承受生死一線的壓力,並且曾修讀有關毛髮研究及血液分析的課程,極有法證觸覺。彥博初認識逸昇,便認為是個人才,有心吸納逸昇成為法證部一員猛將。而逸昇亦屢次見識到彥博利用法證方法與科技於偵破案件的力量,深表佩服,與彥博惺惺相惜。 澤琛和汀汀的婚期迫近,二人滿懷興奮地迎接著大囍日子,沒想到,毒販間的炸彈襲擊卻摧毀了他們的美夢,也毀掉了小柔的未來。一聲爆炸的巨響,令到汀汀當場炸死,小柔重傷。小柔的右耳被震得失聰、右手神經受損,無奈從重案組的火線上退了下來。 汀汀的死帶給澤琛極大的傷痛,良久不能平伏。事件也令彥博更加珍惜和小柔的緣份,但小柔一直覺得自己付出的感情較彥博多,及後彥博向小柔求婚,小柔已分不清彥博對自己是出於道義、責任還是真愛,對工作及感情均失去自信。 為了不讓汀汀白死,為了不讓犯罪者逍遙法外,彥博、逸昇和澤琛誓要不惜任何代價,把殺人者繩之於法!小柔受重傷後,幗英取代小柔的職務,帶領重案組追緝兇徒。但幗英的作風令重案組內沈雄、凌心怡等人大為不滿,處處與幗英起衝突。 以逸昇對炸彈的熟悉、澤琛從屍體上取得的答案、彥博從法證上取得的證據,再加上幗英鍥而不捨的調查,殺害汀汀的兇徒終於難逃法網。而澤琛也終於能從陰霾的日子中走出來,重新振作,為了汀汀,堅強地活下去。 For these few weeks, keeping going after the above mentioned show. Finally, i caught finished this show. Next is to catch the last Episode of the show above. The plot of the story: 這個都市,有一段「貼來貼去」的愛情故事…… 故事,就從某一種盤據全亞洲的女孩類型說起。 這種女孩,叫「便利貼女孩」。她,樸素、簡單安分、願望也小小的,從來就不是什麼Somebody,也不期待變成一個Somebody。她們功能小小,但是又不可或缺,就像是一張隨手可撕的便利貼,不起眼也不特別,但你的身邊一定有她!一趟『豪華郵輪』之旅,讓這樣一位平凡的女孩碰上史上最不平凡的際遇 . 欣怡她從小就很害怕別人不喜歡自己,所以她一直很努力的要對別人好,只要有人給她一點點回應,她就很容易喜歡上對方,大家都叫她便利貼女孩,因為當有人需要她,撕下來就能用,不需要時隨手亂扔也無所謂。但她卻是個很重感情的傻瓜,個性不夠強讓她該下定決心的時候常常會心軟,某日為了挽回花心男友古馳,花費大把旅費上愛之船旅遊,沒想到陰錯陽差走錯房間,醒來之後,愕然發現自己竟與一名陌生人發生一夜情,又發現男友古馳偷吃,搞上了有錢的寡婦拋下她離去,讓她有如晴天霹靂的打擊。 一個月後,當欣怡看到驗孕棒的結果時,她很後悔沒在船上跳下海。一個25歲的律師事務所職員,為了一個爛男友,負債20萬,還懷了一個來路不明男人的小孩,簡直是全天下最諷刺的笑話。她向公司請了一個星期的假,準備回到故鄉「薑母島」,想想自己該怎麼辦。 那天床上的陌生人名叫紀存希,他是所有女孩理想中的白馬王子,多金帥氣、青年才俊,當他碰上平凡的上班族女孩陳欣怡,不知是麻煩的開始,還是幸福的啟航。 由於紀家的隱疾遺傳,每代都男丁式微,至今九代單傳。這讓家中長輩珍珠奶奶每天都睡的不安穩,深怕這麼一丁點的香火一不小心就斷了!奶奶一心希望孫子紀存希能和其他的企業小開一樣,四處留情。偏偏這個孫子卻潔身自愛。一日,奶奶無意中發現欣怡竟懷了存希的孩子,或許是紀家的祖宗庇祐,沒想到老天竟然真的賜給她一個『小金曾孫』,讓奶奶說什麼都要存希把欣怡娶過門。這樣等她駕鶴歸西的那天,也有臉面對紀家的列祖列宗了。 於是奶奶以要打給存希交往三年的女友爆料為要脅,要存希娶欣怡,被「騙婚」的存希不得不娶欣怡以完成奶奶在世的心願。但存希發現他不願意面對結婚的事實,也無法決定是否要臨陣脫逃,或是鼓起勇氣承擔後果,這時突然發現他們在奶奶的要求下必須開始約會談戀愛。 其實存希還有個交往三年的芭蕾舞者女友ANNA,期間多次浪漫求婚ANNA都讓存希碰了個軟釘子,但存希始終默默的等待著,等待著ANNA願意放下一切答應他的求婚。ANNA為了事業不婚,而他此時卻因意外讓欣怡懷孕,幸好ANNA在國外巡迴表演,好讓存希可以隱瞞這次的烏龍事件。但存希卻瞞著奶奶,和欣怡簽了一張婚前協議,載明生完小孩兩人就要離婚,存希答應給欣怡一筆錢然後拍拍屁股互不相欠,欣怡為了肚裡孩子的將來,認真思考後也同意了。存希的如意算盤打的是,當欣怡把孩子生下來後,ANNA巡迴演出結束回國,他和欣怡的契約關係正好到期,便可以和ANNA再續前緣。 不知情的欣怡搬進存希家,開始學著和存希相處,兩個陌生人從不適應到習慣彼此的存在,是非常微妙的進化,本來以為只是住在一個屋簷下互不相關的兩人,卻因為許多生活瑣事漸漸有了交集,欣怡在奶奶的要求下搬進存希臥室,存希便藉故搬到客房去睡的,卻發現漸漸不喜歡一個人睡覺的孤單,三更半夜存希總是會回到原來的房間,久而久之睡覺時身旁有個人好像是種習慣了。不喜歡回家吃飯的存希也開始回家吃飯,誓言絕不幫忙任何事的存希,也開始採買嬰兒房的壁紙、小朋友的玩具。 在以為這就是所謂的幸福時,一直被忽略隱瞞的未爆彈ANNA出現了,存希萬萬沒想到他跟ANNA沒有說清楚的關係傷害了欣怡,只留下一張離婚協議書就消失不見,原以為這樣的結束是最好的句點,沒想到欣怡早在不知不覺中佔據他的心中,他發誓,如果再讓他找到欣怡,他一定要重新追回欣怡,不再是從前孩子的爸對孩子的媽的模樣,而是以一個男人對女人的姿態…… This drama tonite is the last Episode being boadcast in Taiwan tonite. Catch these show if u have the time.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Tired @ 6/29/2008 06:36:00 PM
After being thru a rushing period of months, i decided to take MC to rest for a days of two. During these two days, i had enough rest. But still on the second day of Mc, i had a terrible headache and doctor say i had high blood pressure at level of 149. Hmm.... seemed abit scared abt tis. But nevertheless, i decided to eat my regular diet to prevent me from having high blood pressure again.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Sunday, June 22, 2008
肥田喜事 @ 6/22/2008 10:59:00 PM
For Sunday, i rest at home and as my arms are feeling tired and painful, so i decided to watch drama from youtube for the show that i have been wanting to catch but cant find. Yes the show is 肥田喜事. 何美田出生於菲律賓,父親何念鄉乃當地富豪,念鄉為美田選擇了一個他心目中的理想女婿,念鄉肯定這人不是為騙財而來。但是美田對這人一點感覺都沒有,所以把心一橫,毅然決定逃婚! 當她逃婚來到香港,卻面對一個完全不同的世界,這裡先敬羅衣後敬人,不論是人是物,樣樣講求包裝。雖然社會不斷鼓吹公平平等,但無論生活上或者工作上,又焉能不遇上歧視?而當中歧視得最利害要緊的一個,就是我們的男主角戴喜。 戴喜是一位青年才俊,城中頂級設計師,年紀輕輕已擁有自己品牌的連鎖店。故事裡面,他是以貌取人的代表人物。作為時裝界寵兒,他深明這個世界什麼也講求包裝,所以對儀容,他要求得一絲不苟,他認為一個人連自己的儀容都管理不好,又怎能做好其他工作!這是他的相人之道。 當男女主角一旦遇上,一個講求人靠衣裝,一個講求心靈至上,一個講計算,一個求感覺。喜簡直可以說是美田的剋星,因為誤會和偏見,喜和美田多番衝突。然後陰差陽錯之下,美田竟進入了喜的服裝連鎖店當售貨員,剋星當正老闆,美田哪有好日子過?但是為了租金、為了伙食,美田唯有死忍。 喜一直高高在上的打壓美田,但美田卻找到了反擊機會。一次意外,喜記憶全失,收留他的人偏偏是美田,美田一直受氣,這回實行大反擊啦!喜出事的地點正好就是在菲律賓,剛好是美田與父親關係好轉,美田回到自己的地方,碰上失憶的喜。於是美田便騙喜,說他是自己的男朋友,把他留在身邊加以作弄,將壓積的冤氣全部發洩。 但在這段時間,美田發現到喜的另一面,放下一切包袱,美田看到解除保護盔甲後的喜,其實跟自己有好多共通點,原來這個男人也可以很率真,也可以很可愛,甚至跟自己有少少心靈相通的感覺! 當初,美田只想出一口烏氣,戲弄喜一番,便會把他送返香港,讓他回到家人身邊,可是就愈拖愈久,因為已經有點不捨了!美田怕他回復記憶,又變回那個極討人厭的戴喜。但美田同時亦知道,這段虛假的關係不可能維持一世。這只是短暫的童話時空,總有返回現實的一刻。 喜最終回復記憶,自我保護的程式又自動開啟。當然,他記得失憶期間,跟美田之間的快樂相處,但他不能接受自己竟會愛上美田,美田根本不符合他的擇偶標準,何況,喜本身已經有一個固定女友──宋曼頤,一個各方面都符合世俗審美價值的女人,而且對喜事業極有幫助。所以,無論對美田的感覺多強烈也好,喜拒絕承認。 喜為了證明自己所愛的是完美的宋曼頤,竟要跟頤結婚!而美田亦為了理想,加入婚紗公司當婚禮策劃,所接的第一個顧客竟是喜和頤的婚禮!美田本想逼令喜承認所愛是自己,但喜諸般排擠美田,態度之惡劣,更甚於失憶之前,田於是只好退出! 正當喜以為可以和頤有一段美滿的婚姻時,喜卻發現自己無法忘掉美田,而頤亦心知喜所愛的人其實是美田,頤把心一橫,竟然出賣喜!原來頤早移情別戀,與喜的生意伙伴蔣一鳴在喜失憶其間暗渡陳倉,在一鳴的糾纏下,頤只得作出取拾,站到一鳴一邊,設計侵吞了喜的公司! 這時候,身處谷底的戴喜,首先想到的人,卻是美田,當他將要失去所有的時候,他發現自己最不想失去的,就是這個他最看不上眼的胖女子。 喜向美田真情表白,但情感重傷的美田,已經不再容易相信別人,她懷疑喜的用心,會是來報仇?來作弄我?還是想騙我父親的錢救他的公司? The actors and actress are: I do admired 胡杏兒. Why? 胡杏兒是港姐季軍出身,當然是樣靚身材正之人,但為拍《肥田囍事》,她為藝術而犧牲,在短時間內由九十幾磅增肥至152磅,「肥杏」之名不逕而走。 男主角許志安重156磅,杏兒僅輕他幾磅而已,她笑言體重只相差僅兩件蛋糕。 有次開工拍攝時,要在馬路中心跑來跑去,杏兒又要與安仔不停拉扯,更要抱起對方,杏兒顯得甚為吃力。她說抱起安仔好辛苦,不知怎就力才好。始終是嬌嬌女出身,雖然增肥了,也不會一下子變大力士吧! 又有一次,杏兒有次為拍一場游水戲,如果是以往嬌美的杏兒,當然引來豔羨目光,但如今由暴肥數十磅的杏兒下水,香豔戲便變了攪笑戲。杏兒說她其實不會游水,不過水如不深她也不會怕。 此外,杏兒過去吊威也,只需一個武師就可以拉得動,但她在冷氣十足的錄影廠內拍「肥田奔月」宣傳中秋,卻要動用三至四個武師,還拉到身水身汗,令杏兒亦不好意思。 杏兒說過,在拍竣《肥》劇,完成之前約好的訪問債後,便會積極瘦身,回復最佳狀態。始終是個年青藝人,回復美好身段,對拍攝工作當然有幫助。 杏兒進行減肥時,除了節食外,還做運動和做纖體療程,她說雖然為增肥已食大了胃口,但她會用意志力控制食量,總之一定要減得健康。 結果杏兒努力瘦身一個月,成功減去20磅,有日為《肥田》連走四場拍攝發夢的煞科戲,講述她幻想變瘦後與高鈞賢拖手溜冰,果然搖身一變變成130磅美女,當然,與九十幾磅的她還是有距離。 杏兒打趣說不擔心減肥後失去豐滿的上圍,她說:「不會捨不得,身材有很多東西可以幫得到。」許志安則笑說要請杏兒吃飯:「為杏兒預備慶祝得獎嘛!」杏兒聽到後顯得高興開心,說:「我也看好他可以得『最有喜劇潛質獎』。」 Do find time to watch if u have the time.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Get Smart @ 6/22/2008 10:50:00 PM
Hubby Ter took me to watched MOvie last Sat at Causeway Point. The movie is abt Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell), an analyst employed by CONTROL, has always hoped to be promoted to a Field Operative. He is great at his desk job, but not very good in the field. Many laugh at his ambitions due to him being quite awkward, clumsy, and not very bright. Despite scoring extremely well on the Field Operative test, the Chief of CONTROL (Alan Arkin) decides not to promote him because he's such a good analyst, and the Chief would like him to remain as such. Meanwhile, Agent 23 (Dwayne Johnson) returns to CONTROL headquarters from a mission. He is the top agent in CONTROL and is also a good buddy of Max. Max walks out of H.Q. disappointed that he has not been promoted, and accidentally bumps into a lady jogging. He returns to H.Q. only to discover that enemy agents, sent by KAOS operative Siegfried (Terence Stamp), have penetrated CONTROL and have wreaked havoc on its interior. He finds the lady that he had bumped into was actually Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway), who has returned after extensive plastic surgery. After learning that unknown assailants are coming their way, Max creates an awkward diversion, then clubs the Chief with a fire extinguisher while mistaking him for an enemy agent. The perpetrators have stolen CONTROL's Agent files, thus uncovering many of the field agent secret identities around the world and assassinating them. Because of the unprecedented loss of agents, the Chief promotes Max to Field Operative and partners him with as-yet-unrecognizable Agent 99. They are to go undercover to find out who has been supplying nuclear weapons to KAOS, CONTROL's nemesis. Max and 99 travel to Russia to take down the arms dealer who's in charge, and learn that a local Moscow bakery is actually a front for a nuclear weapons factory. Max goes in undercover to try and buy nuclear weapons from Siegfried. Siegfried, however, is well aware that Max is from CONTROL and that 99 is hiding in the air vents. Siegfried orders his number two man and brother-in-law, Schtarker (Ken Davitian), to kill Max, but Max easily incapacitates Schtarker and then proceeds to place charges around the factory to bury the warheads under the rubble and prevent KAOS from selling them. While trying to escape, Max and 99 run into Siegfried's giant bodyguard Dalip. After unsuccessfully trying to match with him physically, Max uses his knowledge of KAOS operatives to try and reason with him, which he does successfully. Afterward, the three escape the building which finally explodes. The Chief sends Agent 23 to overlook the clean-up of the factory, but 23 does not find evidence of nuclear weapons. Max is suspected of lying to CONTROL and being a double agent and is detained in a holding cell. Meanwhile Siegfried makes a threat to blow up Los Angeles; and the Chief, Agent 99 and Agent 23 go to Los Angeles to persuade the President of the United States (James Caan) to do something about it as the Vice President ignores the threat. KAOS decides that since the Vice President does not believe KAOS's threat of nuclear terrorism, they will rig a nuclear bomb at a symphony concert to kill the President. Max escapes from the cell, after being given a coded message about an attack from Dalip via commercial radio broadcast, and locates the Chief to tell him of the bomb. The Chief trusts that Max is not a double agent and they set out to find the bomb in order to save the President and thousands of people there. The Secret Service claims that there is no bomb as they have checked the area before the President arrived. Max and the Chief try to figure out how to get into the concert when Agent 23 suggests that there is no bomb. This causes Max to suspect that Agent 23 has been a double agent all along. His suspicions are confirmed when his watch detects radioactivity coming from Agent 23. Agent 23 finds out that his cover is blown and takes Agent 99 hostage before getting the briefcase that holds the remote detonator to the bomb. After an action packed chase, with Max almost killed and Agent 23 dead, the Chief, Agent 99 and Max figure out that the bomb is going to explode at the exact moment the piece "Ode to Joy" hits the last note. They make a mad dash to the concert hall, and Max pushes the conductor to the floor just before the musicians play the final note. The orchestra is cut to silence, and the audience applaud Max, the Chief, and the conductor for a marvelous performance. As for Siegfried, he, Dalip and Schtarker escape in the car. Siegfried takes back attempting to kill Dalip's "lovely" wife. The next thing he knows, he's knocked out of his car, off the bridge the car was driving by, into deep water. The movie ends as Max and Agent 99 take the phone booth exit. when the various doors open to let them out one of the doors does not close. Agent 99 insists to Max that they are going to be late going somewhere (as they are now dating), Max tries to fix the door, but instead it slams on him, also causing his knife to shoot an arrow in his cheek, the movie then ends. The movie is reali a relaxed movie where it mould make u laugh from head to tail. Would give 5 out of 5 stars for this movie. Go catch it if u have the time.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Viewing of BTO Showroom Flat @ 6/22/2008 10:39:00 PM
I went with Hubby Ter on Satursday Morning to Toa Payoh HDB HUB to view the showroom for the Flat we r applying for. Hmm... The living room are okie and spacious. The toilet door are using sliding door. Last but not least the master bedroom. The other room in the showroom are occupied with people so we r unable to snap any pics. Now, we can only cross our hand and waited till mid of August to know whether we r able to go choose our flat.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
So tired @ 6/18/2008 09:34:00 PM
Dunoe it like since last week, no matter how i clear my workdesk, i would never be able to clear finshed my paperworks. Haiz....jotted down everyday wat i needed to do but it seemed like worthless as things keep coming in. As my notepad would have some ticked and some haven't ticked off yet. Den these few days, the weather damned idoit as it keep rain and shine, den here in my office, everyday play with the aircon themosat until my colleauges make fun of me. Jus feel cold ma..... If u dun believe, next time u sit at my seat and u will know y. But abit happy as i have managed to clear 1/2 of my workload today before going off at 4.30pm to clementi for tuition. Feel so sianz and tired as these few days i slpt late and wake up early. Luckily gt my colleauges to joke ard thus make me less stress. so rite now, after playing 3 games of Big 2.5 at Viwawa, i decided to come in and blog.... So here i am finishing blogging alreadi.... So tired liao.... going to slp liao... Tatata
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Monday, June 16, 2008
Soleminser Found for my ROM @ 6/16/2008 11:21:00 PM
After calling dunoe hw many phone calls, i almost wanted to give up and let out a loud cry and here i finally gt hold of one JP to hold my ROM for me on 1st Sept 2008. Thanks to Ms Ong Ying Ying for giving us this chance to have u with us to do our soleminsation. Finally i can rest mind on some other thing liao such as sourcing for ppl to do my makeup, buying my rings..... getting my gowns and shoes etc..... Kekeke... next is to aim for my Wedding Bands from Tianpo which i saw on the Brochure a few months ago. Give u a sneak preview on how my wedding bands look like. Kekeke.... Nw waiting for Hubby Terence to propose liao.... :P
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Jus a Thought @ 6/16/2008 12:45:00 AM
Before my Dear Ter enter in my life, i never know what to do or handle my life situation as i am always trapped in my inner heart looking without any colours. I dun tell people that i am actually afraid to be alone. Funny right? I jus afraid to be alone. Thus i like to be ard people. People say what, i will follow them. And end up, when all these ppl gone from my life, i found no courage to walk the remaining road. Sometime, i am so afraid to make wrong choice of frenz... So even when they make use of me, i will keep quiet and wept sometime when i am alone. But now, Hubby Ter and my few close frenz stand by me and gave me encouragement to walk my journey together.I see colours in my life everydays. Dear frenz, if u are reading my blog, u know who u r, thanks for walking by my side when i needed someone to shield me from storms. I am be grateful to u all forver. As for Ter, Thanks for staying by my side to watch and catch me when i fell. U r my pillar of support forever. I LOVE U!
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
What Going on? @ 6/16/2008 12:25:00 AM
Hmm.... Well... as times passes by, i jus cldn't believe that i will be getting ROM on 1st September 2008. Nw still fighting against time to look for Justice of Peace to solemise my ROM. The situation started when i decided to engaged my church pastor, Rev Tan and Rev Derrick to solemise my ROM. But kind of they rejected my application saying that they dun have the time and unless i do the Matrimony den they will do it for me. Guess what? I been disaapointed again n again by my CHURCH. Sumtimes, i jus cldn't understand when it stated that in the application form we cld choose either from the section A to Section C which staed that Section A is only for solemisation. Why can't they stick to that? Suggestion to them to take down the Section A if they can't do it for members or ppl outside of church. Well... i still trust God but not CITY HARVEST CHURCH again. Hopefully, i can find one JP for my ROM. For frenz that are reading my blog, do consider again if u have frenz asking you to go City Harvest Church again. If not, u will have the illusion that all ppl who trust God will behaved in this way. As for me, i made up my decision to leave City Harevst Chruch. Sometime, i find that it not worth at all if u have cellgroups members that are like that.... Ask Cindy and u will now what i am refering to. She had the same treatment from them too..
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Catching Drama @ 6/15/2008 11:08:00 PM
These few weeks have been hoked on to a Hong Kong Drama FORENSIC HEROES 1 & FORENSIC HEROES 2. Forensic Heroes (traditional Chinese: 法證先鋒) is a TVB drama about forensic scientists, not unlike the American Emmy Award–winning CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. The series is also said to be the modern remake of TVB's 1999 series, Witness to a Prosecution. Forensic Heroes is a 25-episode serial about the Hong Kong police and a group of forensic scientists, equipped with the latest technology, working together to solve crimes. The series also follows the personal and romantic lives of the protagonists. Unlike CSI, which uses significantly darker and bleaker lighting throughout its episodes, Forensic Heroes is presented in a brighter, more clinical atmosphere. Both use a hard lens picture technique instead of a softer camera format. Frankie Lam, who plays forensic pathologist Sam, sings the theme song. This is the second time for Bobby Au-Yeung, Frankie Lam, and Yoyo Mung collaborated in a series (the first time was in Armed Reaction 4). The series was the highest rated series in 2006 after La Femme Desperado. It also had the best ending ratings for 2006, peaking at 43 points. Due to the popularity and high ratings of the series, a sequel, Forensic Heroes II, was released in 2008. Filming started in September 2007 with Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Cheng as part of the new cast. Have been catching the part 1 since Last Monday finally able to finished watching the show b4 i carry on watching the FORENSIC HEROES 2 Ep 21 from this week onwards. Hey Guy, if u r looking for a nice show, u will sure love this show. Catch it ya if u have the time.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Apply for Build To Order from BTO @ 6/15/2008 09:26:00 PM
Hubby Ter and me decided to apply for this Build-To-Order exercise, which it will bring us a brand new housing development in Woodlands. It commanding views of the Straits of Johor, Straits Vista @ Marsiling is poised to bring about a new buzz to the vicinity. Revel in the contemporary comfort of the stylish home as it will delight in the vibrancy of Woodlands, an established residential hub housing a diverse range of facilities and amenities. Waiting anxiously till we get notice of whether we will get the balloting of this flat?
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My Female Manager @ 6/10/2008 10:50:00 PM
After working for 3 months plus, i suddenly came to realise how lucky am i to get a good superior who support me no matter wat happened. I only came to know when i was chatting with my colleauges on how their superior wan to do tis and that whereas i found out that my superior actually do it to save time for me. I wished that i can put in my best for my manager and showed her that it a joy to have me ard with her to help her in her work.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Should I Be Happy Or Sad? @ 6/08/2008 12:17:00 AM
By Right, i should be happy when my GM announced on our monthly meeting that i will be confirmed as a permenant staff with effect from 1st june 2008 which meant i was confirmed earlier by 3 months. With that, i also have increment plus performance bonus. But by left, i am sad as these sparked off some jealousy for some of my colleauges haven't been confirmed yet although they come in earlier den me to work. How should i hanlde this?
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Thursday, June 05, 2008
A Treat for Terence's Parents @ 6/05/2008 11:27:00 PM
Last Sunday, i took my futue mother and father in laws to this place called Fortune Restaurant at Toa Payoh there. The food is not so nice plus the service is damned bad loh.... It was like so expensive that i swore that i will never stepped in there again. Bu still glad that my Hubby Ter Parents are okiewith the food if not i will o rund spreading words that the restaurant is cheating pl money....
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Buying necklace for HUbby Ter MUm @ 6/03/2008 12:27:00 AM
As a Belated Mother's Present for Terence Mum, i bought for her a necklace from Taka Jewellery in Ang Mio Kio. Accordingly to Hubby Ter, my future mother-in-laws put it on her neck after coming back from home. Lol.... Wat does that show? Hope me and my future mother-in-laws will be living in harmony when i am married to Terence.
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever
My Propose Ring @ 6/03/2008 12:14:00 AM
Finally, last Friday Hubby Ter Took me to buy the ring he is goign to propose to me. At first, i actually wanted to buy the above ring as shown but too bad, it was out of stock.... So i bought another one.... will keep it as secret until i meet u all .... LOL.... Kekeke.... Tml, hubby will go collect the amended size ring.. Kekeke... wonder when will he propose to me? Lol.... so nervous and excited... :P
©Loving Hubby Terence Forever